Author Archives: gw21matherslucy@glow

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

Our last few days together in P2! How emotional I feel. This year has gone by so quickly and the growth that has happened for each child has been absolutely amazing. I have been so lucky to be a part of their journey.

Thank you so much to all the families for all of their support over the year. Good luck to you all! I hope to see your lovely faces again.

Lots of Love

Miss Mathers. xxx




Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

We have been using this week to revisit maths and numeracy learning from over the year. We have played games and worked in pairs to work on our quick mental math strategies.

We brought our tricky words to an end, ready to get new ones in P3. We have been continuing to edit sentences and create our own for friends to ‘fix’.

Miss Donaldson had the class for some time on Friday. They discussed play opportunities over primary 2 and different religions.

We all had a lovely chat about our best memories of primary 2 and began to create some art based around them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday and Friday with Miss M

This week we have been very busy!

We have been able to write letters to our P3 teacher to introduce ourselves. We included lots of interesting questions, a fact about us and our goals for next session.

We had a little time reminder. We worked on our mental maths and were really fast and solving some problems.

We had a wet but fun sports day! Well done to everyone who took part.

P3 had created some games using magnets and we were very lucky to get to play some of them and learn the rules.

We have some special cards in our bags.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

Today we celebrated the new celebrity in our class! Well done to Zara who came 2nd for her joke in the Voice Box competition. We are all so proud.

We wrote a letter to Mr Mouse, to warn him about the big bad things he might come across in the woods.

We began making some beautiful cards.

We have been focusing on how we can edit our own and other people’s sentences. We have been able to act like teachers and remind everyone of the correct punctuation!

The whole school came together with Miss Donaldson to share their reflections on this school year.

Have a lovely weekend!


Friday with Miss Mathers

Yesterday the class had Miss Alan.

Today we have been looking at using our editing skills to sort some mixed up and wonky sentences. Lots of us were able to re-order them correctly and add in the appropriate punctuation.

We have considered how we can pay for things under £1 and give the correct change.

We continued our perspective art.

We have been able to share some of our long weekend plans.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

This week we used our taught book reviewing skills and wrote one on our favourite books.

We had an extended show and tell where lots of us were able to share our creations and things from home. We have discussed how we can ask questions to find out more details,

We have been working hard to bring together our Learning Logs. We have reflected upon our term targets and are looking forward to sharing them with you.

In preparation for our Sharing Assembly on Monday, we revisited our learning on changes that happen in our lives. We have discussed how we can feel at times of change and how we cope.


Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

This week we were very lucky to be visited by an author and illustrator – Morag Hood! We listened to her stories and were taught how to draw one of the cartoons from her book.

We took our reading outdoors on Thursday and enjoyed the sunshine.

We are learning how we can add coins together in maths.

We have been able to explore how we can use lines to create perspective art.

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

In literacy this week we secured our understanding of when we should use present and past tense words.

We have progressed on to using balls in tennis after demonstrating our great racket skills! Lots of us are really getting the hang of this. I am super proud.

We have created posters for our own inventions that we are entering into a class competition. Maybe one day, one of them will come to life!

We have now finished revisiting symbols and functions machines in maths and next week we will move on to money.

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

Miss M x

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

In literacy we have been learning about past and present tense words and how to use them in sentences. We have played lots of games to develop our understanding and next week we will continue on with this area.

We have continued to build on our racket skills with beanbags and next week we will move on to use tennis balls! We have been competing in pairs and teams.

We began the planning of our own inventions in pairs. We were very creative and designed some interesting things!

Have a lovely weekend. X