Wednesday the 26th of June 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

This has been our final week together in P2 😢! How quickly the year has gone by and what a lovely time we’ve had. It has been wonderful seeing each and every child learn, grow and develop. We’ve had so many highlights- our Tentsmuir trip, the Rio Cinema Day and our outdoor learning trips to the woods have all been great.
A big thank you to all the families for their help over the year. We enjoyed our shared learning events where we had to learn to sew and also create an a space craft to keep a tea cake safe!
It has been such a pleasure to teach you all in P2!
Good luck for p3 and I’ll just be through the curtain to wave and say hello! I’m so proud of you all.
lots of love,

Mrs Meiklem xxx

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