Week Beginning 20/5/24

Happy Friday !
We have had another fun week in P1/2.

Science – We were learning about man made and natural materials .

Maths /Numeracy – P2 have been continuing with our division learning .
P1 have been working on our numbers to 20/100 learning .
We all enjoyed playing Sum Dog. We loved our measure learning this week. We were estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers.

Literacy – We all enjoyed our reading books this week . We have been working hard on our letter formations . We were using our imaginations for our piece of writing this week. We had to think about something that happened to us on the way to school. We used the ‘WOW’ word ‘suddenly’.

Topic- We were discussing people who help us in our local community. We drew pictures and did a little bit of writing about our 4 chosen adults.

Art- We were using cold and hot colours to create a sunset and sea. We then drew a line drawing of the Tay Rail bridge.  Our pictures look lovely.

PE-We enjoyed working on our athletics skills and techniques. We enjoyed running the mile before the lovely weather changed.

A big thank you to Donald’s dad for coming to talk to us about his job as a Doctor . He shared some of the equipment he uses and taught us what to do if we found a conscious casualty.

It is Miss Latif’s last day with us today.  We will miss her. We all wish her well on her teaching journey.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care.

Have fun.

Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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