Week Beginning 4/6/24









Happy Friday from us all !
We hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.

PE-We enjoyed practising for sports day . We also enjoyed running the mile. We enjoyed taking part in the house athletics competition. This was fun .

Numeracy /Maths- We have been continuing with our numbers to 20/100 learning. We have also been working with Caroll Diagrams and bar graphs.
We enjoyed some time playing Sum Dog.

Topic – We talked about litter in our playground and local area. We made posters to encourage people to use the litter bins or take their rubbish home.
Science – We were thinking about what different objects in our class and playground are made from . For example- wood or plastic.

Literacy – We have been working on our letter formations . We all enjoyed our reading books . We did a piece of personal writing about our holiday news.

Have a lovely weekend .
Have fun.

Take care .
Love Primary1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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