Week Beginning 13/5/24

  1. Happy Friday !
    We have had a great week in P1/2.

Health – We were discussing people who can help us at home and at school. We were also thinking about things we can do if we or our friends feel sad or angry.

Numeracy / Maths – We have been continuing with our measure learning. We were measuring containers using cups . This was lots of fun .
P1-We have been working on numbers to 20/100.
P2-We have been working on our division learning .

Literacy- We were writing about seeing The Northern Lights. We were using ‘WOW’ words .
We all enjoyed our reading books this week . We have been working on our letter formations.
P1-We had initial blends learning to do.
P2- We had spelling words to learn. We had a visit from the author ‘Morag Hood’. We got to listen to a couple of her books and we took part in a drawing task . This was great fun. We also enjoyed reading a book in the sunshine .

PE-We have been working on our athletics skills and techniques. We also enjoyed running the mile .
Art- We had a special job to do for our Dads.

Have a lovely weekend .
Have fun.
Take care .
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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