Week Beginning 6/5/24

  1. Happy Friday!
    We hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.

PE- We have been working on different athletics stations . We enjoyed running the mile .
Literacy – We all enjoyed our reading books this week . We have been practising our key words . In writing, we were discussing if we should do homework or not. P1 had initial blends to practise and P2 had their spelling words to practise .
Topic-We had to draw and label what we can see in our local area.

Science – P1 were learning about the solar system . P2 were learning about predators and prey.
Numeracy /Maths- We had fun weighing different objects in our classroom . We have been working on our numbers to 20/100 and our times tables.
We had fun exploring the loose parts.

Have a lovely weekend.

Have fun .
Take care .
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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