Week Beginning 27/11/2023

Happy Festive Friday!

We have had a very busy and fun week in P1/2.

We loved all of our Festive Friday celebrations. We made lovely Christmas baubles. They look great on our display board around the hall.
P1 decorated the school Christmas tree with their P7 buddy. P2 decorated our class Christmas tree. They look beautiful.

Maths/Numeracy- We have been working hard on our money work. Drawing coins we would use to buy different items.
We have been continuing our addition to 10/20/100 work.

Literacy- P1 have been learning their new sounds- th and ai.
Primary 2 were writing sentences using their spelling words. They also were learning when to us ‘an’ instead of ‘a’ before a word. If the word begins with a vowel we write ‘an’.
We all enjoyed our reading books this week.
We created a factfile for our chosen Polarland animal. We had to write what they ate, where they lived, interesting facts about them and what their babies were called.

Miss Allan was working with us on Wednesday.

PE- We have been continuing to work hard on improving our fitness by doing different exercise to music. We enjoyed taking part in the whole school mile.

Outdoor Learning- We enjoyed exploring the school garden. This was fun but very cold.

We have been practising their Christmas songs for the church and our Christmas show ‘A Wriggly Nativity’.

Have a lovely weekend.
Have fun.
Take care.
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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