Week Beginning 13/11/23

Happy Friday from Primary 1/2!

We have enjoyed celebrating book week this week.
We have enjoyed reading stories in our special Book bags. We have designed front covers for our favourite books and made book reviews. We loved meeting an author called Robert Tregoning. He read us one of his stories called ‘The Dress in the Window’. We had a dance to do and a drawing. This was so much fun.

Numeracy/Maths- We have been working on our coin recognition, counting coins and laying out coins to buy different items from the shop.
We have been working hard on our addition to 10/20 learning. We love playing different games.

Art- We sketched amazing pictures of Orcas. They look great on our classroom wall.

Drama- We were role playing being polar bears. This was so much fun.

PE-We loved working on our fitness by doing different exercises to music.

P1- We have started listening to the songs for our Nativity called ‘Wriggly Nativity’.

We all enjoyed doing different activities at our committees this week.

Literacy- We had to write instructions on how to wash our hands. We used key words to help us- First, Next, Then and Finally.
We all enjoyed our reading books this week.

Have a lovely weekend.
Have fun.
Take care.
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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