Week Beginning 23/10/2023

Happy Friday!
We have had another great week in P1/2.

Literacy- We loved making jam sandwiches. We then had the task of writing instructions. We used key words like First, Next, Then and Finally.
P1 sequenced pictures.
We all enjoyed our reading books. We have been practising our key words.
P1 have been practising blending 2/3 letter words.
P2 have been practising their spelling words .

Numeracy – we have been working hard on our numbers to 10/20/100 and 1000 learning. We loved playing Sum dog.

Topic- Our new topic is β€˜The Polar Lands β€˜.
We found them on a map. It is very very cold there !
Art- We made very cool polar bear pictures . They look great in our classroom.

We loved doing the daily mile with the whole school.

We enjoyed celebrating green flag day. We have a very special plant to plant next week and look after.

PE- We loved trying out different exercises to music ! This was so much fun!

Have a great weekend.
Have fun .
Take care .
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael πŸ™‚

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