Week Beginning 2/10/2023

Happy Friday!

We have had a great week in P1/2.
We have enjoyed practising for our school Harvest Assembly. I hope you liked our special song- I am a Little Hedgehog’.

Primary 1 have been working hard on their new sounds- w, v, y and x.
P2 did a little bit of farm writing. They had to write what they saw in each farm picture. They remembered capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
We loved reading a story called ‘Josh’s Shop’ with a partner. We then sequenced the story.

Shape- We worked together in small groups to build a model using 2D and 3D shapes. We made castles and houses. We had to count each of the shapes we used and name them. We also counted the edges and vertices.

Art- We made clay hedgehogs. They look great and we are excited to bring them home.

Topic- We loved making our shoe box farms. This was a messy but very fun job 🙂

We have been working on our Learning Logs- These special folders will come home on the first Monday back after the holidays. We can’t wait to share them with you.

Happy Holidays!
Have a great time.
Take care.
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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