Week beginning 18/9/2023

Happy Friday!

We have had another great week in Primary1/2.

We were all so excited to share our assembly with you all. Thank you for your lovely feedback.

PE-We loved our yoga sessions this week. We were practising different individual and pair poses.
We enjoyed running/walking the mile.

Committees- We all enjoyed working in our different committees. Lots of exciting learning happening. We like working with other children from different classes.

Topic- We were learning about the different parts of a tractor. We loved looking at Tom’s tractor to investigate each part.

Literacy- Primary 2 had spelling words to practise. We had to write a sentence, draw a picture and hide our words in our picture for Mrs Carmichael to find.
Writing was imaginative this week. We had to create a character and write lots of describing words about them.
Primary 1 were learning their new sounds- Gg, Oo, Uu and Ll. We made a gorilla, an octopus, an umbrella and a lion.
Primary 1 did a detailed drawing of being happy and thinking about what makes them happy. Mrs Carmichael scribed a sentence for us to overwrite.
Everyone enjoyed reading their reading books this week.
Primary 1 loved sharing a story with their Primary 7 Buddies.

Outdoor learning-
We had fun using natural material’s to explore symmetry.

Maths/Numeracy- We worked hard on our numbers to 10/20/100 and 1000.
We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We enjoyed making them and discussing edges, vertices and faces.

Have a lovely weekend.
Have fun.
Take care.
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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