Week Beginning 28/8/2023

Happy Friday!

We have had another hardworking week in P1/2.

We enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds. We discussed times when we thought we couldn’t do something and ways in which we overcome this. We also discussed ways to help others. We drew a black dot and created fantastic pictures.

We have been enjoying learning about different animals we may find on the farm.
We drew our own farm animals and labelled them.

P1 enjoyed spending time with their P7 Buddies being creative with loose parts.

We loved running/walking the mile with the whole school on Thursday. This was fun!
We have enjoyed playing different games in PE.

P1 have been working hard on learning their new sounds- s, a, t and i. They love singing the songs.
P2 had to pick a character from our book of the week ‘The Scarecrows Wedding’. They had to draw a detailed picture and then write sentences to describe them.

Maths- We have been learning about 2D and 3D shape. We enjoyed exploring with them.
We have also been working on numbers to 10/20/100.

Have a lovely weekend.
Have fun.
Take care.
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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