Author: Miss McKenzie

This week learning is… creativity, motor skills, team work, communication, balancing skills, hand/eye coordination, numeracy, literacy, self confidence, exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.


This week, many of us have actively created a Charter together by talking about what works well in nursery and capturing 📷 our friends in action as we. . . ‘Play together, Learn with each other, And be the best that we can be.’ Please feel free to explore our Nursery Charter with your child which is positioned next to our ‘Sign in Tree.’

Our Nursery Charter -We have kind hands and feet.

  • -Keep tools down the way.
  • -Take turns and share.
  • -We wear our helmets on our moving toys.
  • -We care for our nursery.
  • we put our logs on the tree to say we are here.
  • -We wash our hands at different times.
  • -We listen to our friends and adults.

Throughout the week, we have tried hard to capture almost all children experiencing their valuable lunchtime experience here at Newport Nursery.

This week a group of children have been experimenting and creating powder paint colours, after learning how to make them, they successfully created more colours without adult support 🎨


This week a group of children have been helping to plant some pumpkin seeds today. They were both able to discuss how the seeds would need soil, water, sun and rain ☔️ 🎃

This week a group of children have been helping to make the garden look beautiful by planting lovely flowers this morning. Helping to turn the soil using tools, dig a hole and place the flower carefully inside 🌷 🌼

This week a group of children have been using loose parts to explore and build dens with in our nursery garden.


This week a group of children have been exploring science experiments in the garden as they used dishing up soap, baking soda, white vinegar and water to create a volcano.

This week a group of children have been playing a letter matching game with their peers by trying to find letters by their description.


Please remember to hand in any paperwork you have to the nursery staff as this is important for us to collect!

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we are certain everyone will sleep well 😄 see you all on Monday for another great fun filled week!

Miss McKenzie, Miss Nelson, Mrs Wilson and Miss Brougham 👋 x

Week beginning 19th August 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a lovely first week at nursery, it has been great meeting all of our children and families and we can’t wait to see you next week. Here is a look at what we have been up to this week….


Children have been so engrossed in the outside area where they have been exploring making a restaurant area in the mud kitchen by selling food to people.

Children have been using the chalk to draw pictures on the ground outside where they explored drawing rainbows, flags and flowers.

Groups of children have been exploring loose parts to create hiding spaces and different vehicles. Children said that they were visiting San Francisco to see Baymax.

A group of children took part in baking some shortbread which they shared for their friends at snack, it went down a treat!

This has been a week of settling in and meeting new friend. The children are all finding their feet and exploring the new spaces, we have had lots of lovely feedback from the children so far!



Please remember to hand in any paperwork you have to the nursery staff as this is important for us to collect!

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we are certain everyone will sleep well 😄 see you all on Monday for another great fun filled week!

Miss McKenzie, Miss Nelson, Mrs Wilson and Miss Brougham 👋 x

Week beginning 10th June 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week. Here is a look at what we have been up to this week at nursery…..


For our forest session we went to the bottom garden and explored the spaces. Children found tadpoles in some water and went searching round the garden for more animals.

The children have been preparing for their leaving assembly as they practice songs and reflect on their favourite times at nursery since they started.


The children took part in sports day races where they did the obstacle course race, running race and egg and spoon race. The children made a great effort and were really excited to have the buddies help them race!

Children took part in play on pedals where they explored gliding and braking on the bikes. Children demonstrated good listening skills and took in the information that was being given.

This week, children have been showcasing their technology skills as they use the iPads to take photos to make collages and create colourful pictures. Read more

Week beginning 20th May 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week! Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery……

Children in the forest explored a variety of skills as they used the tree swing and searched for different types of birds which linked to past experiences for children.

Children took part in baking banana bread this week with Miss Nelson. Everyone has helped to make her feel very welcome on her first week back!

Some children have been using the coloured vehicles to explore counting and sorting skills.

children have been working in the block area to design and make a tower using a range of shapes and sizes. The boys were very proud of their work and asked for a picture of their finished product.


The girls created their own Barbie dreamworld using the dolls house, blocks and environmental print.


The children’s sunflowers are coming along nicely. The children have been checking up on them daily and helping to water them. This has encouraged a lot of mathematical language as children discuss the height of the seedlings and compare to others.

After finding some cellophane, Isla and Christian were inspired to make eye patches that they could see through. They did the cutting and the sticking themselves they just needed a little help to attach the string. This then inspired others to join in too.


Children have been very creative with loose parts and different resources as they made different modes of transport where they had to problem solve how to keep the vehicles together. Children inside made jewellery for family members and Lego models.



  • Forest is on Tuesday where we meet at waterstone crook car park from 9:00-9:15. Can we also just make you aware that with the hot and humid weather that tics may be around in the forest area so encourage you to check your child after every forest session incase any have made their way home on your child!
  • Please remember to apply suncream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.

We hope you all have a great weekend and will see you next week!
The Newport Nursery Team x

Week beginning 6th May 2024

It’s been a short week this week but we hope you enjoyed your days off! Here is a snippet at what we have been up to at nursery….


Children have been really engaged in card games as Archie brought in his UNO game to play with his peers. The children explored matching by colour, number of picture. The children showed great sportsmanship by shaking hands and saying well done.

Children have been imaginative with the Lego as they build jails and chariots. Eli looked up all about a chariot using the iPad to see what they were used for. “Before we had cars they used chariots where the horses pulled the cart”

We had a lovely day at forest where children explored their surroundings and new friendships, sharing their discoveries with one another.

Children have been exploring how they can use water outside as they mix it with flowers in the mud kitchen or seeing how it can flow through the water station.

Children have been looking at puzzles and jigsaws outside as they discussed the order of the numbers on the puzzle going from 0-10 then 10-0.


  • We are at forest on a Tuesday, please remember to meet us at waterstone crook car park. We would also suggest that you still pack a small light bag on a forest day as children still may need a change of clothes.
  • please apply suncream to your children before drop off, we have a nursery sun cream where we can reapply in the afternoon. Please do not send suncream in your child’s bag as this is treated as medication and other children could be allergic.


Have a great weekend everyone! See you next week ☺️

The Newport nursery team x

Week beginning 22/4/24

We have had a lovely week here at Newport nursery, lots of sunshine and good times. Here is a sneak peek at what we have been up to…..


We have been making the most of the nice weather outside. Children have been exploring their different skills through a range of activities and resources.


Children have been interested in tennis this week. Sharing and taking turns as they try to see how many rally’s they can get. Archie and Miss McKenzie managed to get 6 hits back and forward which is their record. Cammy has been practising himself as he sees how far he can hit it before running to catch it. Gregor and Lachlan have had lots of laughter together as they try and hit the ball to one another and racing to see who can get to it first.

Children have been using the blocks and loose parts to build structures and bring their ideas to life as they make houses, caravans and sun loungers. Children also made bridges and worked out how they could balance the blocks so they wouldn’t fall when cars went across it. Children extended and lead their own learning by sourcing more resources to further develop their ideas.

A group of children built heir own pizza shop where they made pizzas to order by request and used the loose parts as toppings and the bats to use as the bases to go in the oven.

Children created friendships through interests in stories. Jackson and Gregor were looking at the books outside in the story den as they shared their favourite pages.

Children inside have been sharing their creative skills as they make models and pictures using the junk modelling resources. They all came up with their own ideas and and completed these with very little support.


Children have been showcasing their number skills as they order numbers 1-10 then back from 10-1 and identify the missing number when it is taken away. Children also matched the quantity to the number.



  • Forest is starting back again next week on Tuesday 30th April. We will meet in the Waterstone Crook car park next to the leisure centre from 9-9:15 then walk up to the forest location. If you aren’t going to be in please can you send us a message on seesaw and phone the office to let them know also.
  • Any toys from nursery specifically toy cars that have been taken home by mistake, can we please ask that these are returned, thank you.
  • Can we please ask that your child has a jacket with them to nursery as the weather could turn at any minute!

Have a great weekend, see you next week!

The Newport Nursery Team x

Week beginning 18th March 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week, here is a snapshot of what we have been up to……


We had a lovely day on Monday in the sunshine where children explored target practice and role play. We discovered a bumble bee in the garden and children sustained an interest where they role played being bumble bees where they each had their own bee jobs. We had worker bees, stinger bees and even a queen bee who had to taste test all the honey before it was transported to other locations.🐝

Children discovered a little field mouse had come to say hello at the fence, we discussed how we could make sure he felt safe and where he might have come from.🐭

Alex and Leo were researching monster trucks for Alex to copy. Alex persevered and could draw his own one without any help. Alex then shared his skills with Leo by helping him with his own creations.🚚

The children have sustained an interest in music and bands as Sophie and Charlotte created their own drum sets as they sang along to a tune they created. Fraser was also exploring using a drum set he made after joining this weeks peep session which was based around making instruments. From this, we have decided that our next learning wall will be on music! 🥁 🎤 🎶

At the forest, we explored more small world play as we created our own dinosaur world inspired by Eli. We foraged for different resources such as sticks, leaves and pine cones. The children worked together to set up the area how they wanted🐉. Some other children explored a fallen down tree and made their own bug hotel in the roots using sticks.🐛

Children created their own camp. They used loose parts to make a fire, a camp bed and a breakfast area. The children then continued this interest the next day, encouraging others to join.⛺

Happy birthday to Timothy who was 5 on Thursday, thank you for the sweets! Timothy was able to make cupcakes for afternoon snack with some peers😁🎈🎂



  • Next week we are only open until Thursday as the Easter holidays begin Friday 29th March where we are off for 2 weeks and return Monday 15th April.
  • If you have borrowed any nursery clothing, please can we ask for this back next week to get washed before the holidays, thank you!
  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we will meet at Waterstone Crook between 9:00am-9:15am then head up to the forest location.


Have a great weekend, we look forward to seeing you next week 🤗

Miss McKenzie

week beginning 26th February 2024

Hello everyone we hope you have had a great week. Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery this week…


Our children have been showing a sustained interest in music and bands. They have been creating their own band called Joey and the S’s where they set up their own stages outside and performed for a range of audiences. They also came up with their own look of pony tails and rolled up trousers and took turns singing songs that they were familiar with from Michael Jackson to the Batman theme tune.

The children have been spending a lot of time outdoors this week where ball games has been a huge hit with children continuing their passion for football, tennis and target practice.

Children have also shared an interest in water as they created their own dam in the garden using a range of materials which they used to block off the water to stop it flooding the playground. They did this with no adult support, just from their own shared ideas. Timothy, Isla and Charlotte also shared an interest at lunch time by asking questions such as “where does water come from?” and “how do we get it?” to which we spoke about the water cycle and how it works.

Charlotte has been showing an interest in keeping healthy as she speaks to peers and adults about healthy food, being a vegetarian and doing exercising where she created her own equipment using loose parts.


We had a great first session at the forest location this week where children shared they were excited to return again next week! Children explored bugs and how we look after them such as worms and woodlice, what we could use sticks for where children used them as tools and using their imagination to see what we could turn the trees into.

We welcomed Mrs McNeil to the nursery this week where she felt very welcomed by the children. They showed her round the room and invite her to play games.



  • World book day is on Thursday 7th March where children have the option to dress up if they want to however there is no pressure to do so. If they didn’t want to dress up they could always come in their pyjamas with their favourite bedtime story! We can’t wait to see what stories you bring in!
  • The Book Fair will be open to nursey families after school on Tuesday 12th March and Wednesday 13th March.
  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we will meet at Waterstone Crook car park between 9:00am-9:15am then head up to the forest location behind Forgan Arts Centre. Please dress your child in lots of lovely warm clothing, it’s better to have too much than too little, we can always remove layers if they get too hot.
  • Parent chats are beginning the week starting 11th March, please see a member of nursery staff to arrange a time slot

Week beginning 5th February

🌟The nursery will only be open on Monday and Tuesday next week and closed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday due to an in-service day and public holidays 🌟

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week, we have had a really busy but fun week, here is a sneak peak into what we have been up to…….


Flynn and Archie put on a great performance yesterday singing queen in the garden for their peers as they created musical instruments using loose parts

Flynn “we will we will rock you!”

Archie has been practising his tennis skills and challenging himself. Archie went from hitting one ball to hitting three at the same time 🎾

“I was hitting the balls, I was rolling and doing target practice”


A group of children have shown an interest in hairdressers this week and have been creative with different hair styles and have been discussing appointment times and how long until each appointment.

Sophie “I’m making her hair at the hairdressers”

Isla “I was writing down the number for the next hair appointment time”

Oran, Alex and Eleanor took some time to read outside together in the story den.

Oran “we are reading”

Alex “we were just looking at the pages together”

We made the most of the nice weather by having snack outside, we had juicy watermelon and oranges.

Archie “We were eating watermelon, it was soooo good!”


A group of peers helped to push each other along outside on the equipment, they all worked together and used trial and error to work out how to free it when it got stuck on the fence.

Timothy “i managed to push him it was really easy”



We had another great day for our forest session where we explored the bottom garden. The children used the seesaw, explored with loose parts and took part in imaginary play where they were jumping into the sea from the boat when it was really stormy.

Eli “I’m on the seesaw with Timothy”

Isla “me and Jackson are robots”

Archie “we were slipping off the boat, we made the silly club”

Chloe “we were falling off the seesaw, we were dinosaurs”


A group of peers took part in the incey winced spider game where they explored turn taking, negotiating and numeracy skills.

Leo “spidey game”

Cameron “we were playing the spider game”

Christian kindly brought in a book from home to share with his peers called Christian the hugging lion.

Christian “the book came from my house, it’s a good book, we were reading the book”

Children showcased their self help skills as they made their own sandwiches at snack by spreading butter onto the bread and choosing their filling 🥪

Robin “I had a cheese sandwich, I put it on myself”

Flynn “I didn’t have a sandwich, I just had bread with butter”

The children have a found a new swing ball in the garden after showing an interest in ball games, Lucas helped to fill up the base to make it stable to use.

Lucas “that’s almost full, that’s full”


Children used the farm sets outside where they created their own farm and sectioned off different areas for different animals.

Elyn “Cows, pigs. We had the animals and feeding them hay”

Cora “we had bricks and animals to make the farm”

Book bug came for a surprise visit today in nursery. We sang some familiar and some new songs as well as having a good story 🐞

The children all participated and sang along or copied the actions to the songs and spoke about the characters in the story.


If anybody has any clothing aged between 3-5 years old boys or girls clothes that they are happy to donate as spare clothing for the nursery we would be very grateful as our stock of spare clothing has not been returned, thank you!



  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.
  • Nursery will be open only on Monday and Tuesday next week due to In service day on the Wednesday and public holidays on Thursday and Friday 
  • if you are going to be in later than 9:20 can you give us a message on seesaw to let us know as we take the lunches along to the office by 9:30 so could take your order before you get here if needed


We hope you have a lovely weekend and happy Chinese new year to our Newport nursery families 🐉 we will be celebrating next week with some Chinese food for snack and looking into the story of The Great Race 🐷 🐶 🐀


The Newport nursery team


Week beginning 22nd January

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week! There has been lots happening in Newport Nursery this week, here is a sneak peek…….


On Monday a group of children looked at the match and spell game where they had to match the letters on their board to make a word. Some children then extended their learning where they turned over the board so it was blank and had to spell the word again without any prompt!

A group of children have taken part in making a mind map for all f our ideas on what we think we need to buy for the nursery to help us learn with the Christmas enterprise money. The children came up with some great ideas like a CD player, outdoor sport equipment and things to use at snack to help us be more independent.

Children have also been creating their own story books based on different interests. The children were able to help search on the computer for pictures, print them off and then make them into a story book.

We weren’t able to attend the forest due to fallen trees however we were able to have our forest experience in the garden again where children chose to come and took part in a bird watch. Children went in pairs or alone to see what/how many bird they could spot and marked down on their bird watch sheet.


After finding a sour orange at lunch time, this prompted a discussion with the children and Miss McKenzie about sweet and sour food and how orange trees grow. This lead to children discussing how an orange tree grows from a seed but we realised we didn’t know how long it takes so we used the computer for research and found a video of a time-lapse of the orange tree growing over time which can take between 7-15 years to bear fruit! Eli and Eleanor decided to take the seeds how to one day have their own orange trees.

We had a lovely Burns lunch to celebrate Burns day! We also tasted some shortbread at snack which everyone gave the thumbs up to!

We continued our interest in birds this week as we were inspired by artists and pictures to paint our own at a painting station! Everyone showed off their skills as they used a range of colours and textures to get the look that they wanted.

Children have been completing their learning at home to go on our learning wall to share what they have been doing at home! Charlotte shared that he favourite toy is a troll called Poppy. Fraser brought in his favourite Power Ranger toys to show off and did some mark making for the wall!

We have had a lot of imaginary play this week as children have been using a variety of resources to create models such as stools, cushions, blankets and rugs.

Cammy and Timothy worked together to make a bridge for the cars in the sand. They collaborated their ideas to make it work and built a lovely bridge as well as a lovely friendship!

Eli and Elyn worked outside as they made bird feeders using lard and bird seed. They moulded it into shape and added the seeds and left it for putting up next week.


  • Our PEEP group is on next Thursday 1st February at 9am for anyone who wants to join!
  • Our forest sessions until further notice will be in the bottom garden so if you could please come to the nursery dressed for a forest session.

We hope you have a great weekend and we will see you all next week!

The Newport Nursery Team x