Week Beginning 27th May 2024

This week learning is… creativity, motor skills, team work, communication, balancing skills, hand/eye coordination, numeracy, literacy, self confidence, exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

Monday 27th May 


Today Gregor, Cameron, Archie and Jovan took turns with the swing ball set. They confidently hit the ball to each other by using their gross motor skills to move the bat to strike the ball back and forwards.

Today Eleanor, Christian, Alex and Isla worked together to create a model of a car using loose parts. They all shared their ideas on how to make the car ask confidently listened to each other. “We’re going to Pizza Hut in our cars”. This sparked discussion about different mode of transports we can use. “You can walk, use a bike or a scooter” “If you’re going on holiday you would get a plane because it’s over the ocean”.

Today a group of children began their Play on pedals session which was focused on Bike safety. There 4 main areas that we focused on were Helmet safety, correctly fitting helmets. Learning and recognising the different bike parts were and what they did. Saddle me up focused on picking up and mounting and is dismounting the bike safely. Play on pedals rules when on the bikes, and to listen to and follow the set of instructions given. And then we played a short game of frogs jump races and walk the plank focusing on balance whilst in movement.

Tuesday 28th May 

Today Hubert and Isla worked together to share ideas to create a den. Isla collected the sticks of different sizes “this one is longer so it will fit better” while Hubert built the den.

Today there was good balancing demonstrated in different ways. Elijah, Chloe and Sophie were demonstrating good balancing skills by holding on the the stick and bouncing on the log below. “Were bouncing over the town, Were over the town.” Lucas demonstrated good balancing skills and hand/eye coordination as he held on to the tree swing and spun round without falling off.


Today at the forest there was a lot of role play. “We are being silly monkeys” Alex, Leo and Oran were role playing silly monkeys. This lead to a group discussion about Zoo’s and personal experiences. They also discussed that monkeys eat bananas and bananas are healthy for you as it’s a fruit.

Wednesday 29th May

Today Jackson, Elyn, Odil, Lachlan and Charlotte can confidently eat socially with peers as they ate pizza wraps and discussed their favourite toppings on pizza. There was also a discussion about favourite fruits. “My favourite fruit is orange and mine is watermelon”.

Today Lucas, Gregor, Lachlan and Jackson created an obstacle course and took each others thoughts into consideration. Lucas noticed a big gap and problems solved to create a safer gap to jump. They all individually took turns without bumping into each other.

Today a group of children had their Play on pedals session which was focused on steering and control whilst moving with speeding and follow directions.

Thursday 30th May

Today Lachlan, Charlotte and Odil used different objects to do some one to one correspondence. They used the teddy bear family and matched them into colour. As well as coins. “Money is for buying stuff and food.”

Today there was a lot of mark making. Archie, Leo and Timothy were in the writing area. “I’m drawing a picture for my mummy” “I’m making a flag”. They boys had a discussion about different kinds of flags such as country flags and pirate ship flags. This lead to discussion about different modes of transport and how we get to different countries such as a plane and a boat. Today Robin enjoyed marking making using a highlighter. He asked for support to write Pokémon. He drew a picture of ash to put inside the envelope to take home.

Thank you to all who could make today’s peep session it was lovely to have you there! Today we focussed on the importance of encouragement ☺️ We hope to see you there again next week where we will be exploring talking and listening and taking part in some fun listening activities that you might have heard the children discussing before 🐦 📱 👂🏼

Friday 31st May


Today Oran, Christian, Isla, Sophie, Robin, Odil, Leo, Gregor and Cameron explored moon dough (cornflour and conditioner). There was a group of children trying to make shapes and others watching it melt onto the tray. The children discussed the texture of the moon dough which was “soft and sticky. It also feels funny”.

Working together Hubert and Timothy created a areoplane using loose parts. “We’re going on holiday to Florida”. This led to discussion about different modes of transport we could use to go on holiday with. As they continued playing they invited more peers to join in their play.


Today Lucas, Isla, Robin, Eleanor and Flynn enjoyed some time in the bottom garden. They enjoyed using their gross motor skills and turn taking to share shots on the see-saw. The group of children demonstrated good balancing skills.



  • Forest is on Tuesday where we meet at Waterstone crook car park from 9:00-9:15. Can we also just make you aware that with the hot and humid weather that tics may be around in the forest area so encourage you to check your child after every forest session incase any have made their way home on your child!
  • Please remember to apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.
  • Please remember that the nursery will be closed Monday 3rd June 2024 (Bank holiday).
  • Please if your child takes part in play on pedals can you bring their helmet in on Wednesday.
  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, and at least a full change of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃


We hope you all have a great weekend and will see you next week!
The Newport Nursery Team x

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