Week beginning 6th May 2024

It’s been a short week this week but we hope you enjoyed your days off! Here is a snippet at what we have been up to at nursery….


Children have been really engaged in card games as Archie brought in his UNO game to play with his peers. The children explored matching by colour, number of picture. The children showed great sportsmanship by shaking hands and saying well done.

Children have been imaginative with the Lego as they build jails and chariots. Eli looked up all about a chariot using the iPad to see what they were used for. “Before we had cars they used chariots where the horses pulled the cart”

We had a lovely day at forest where children explored their surroundings and new friendships, sharing their discoveries with one another.

Children have been exploring how they can use water outside as they mix it with flowers in the mud kitchen or seeing how it can flow through the water station.

Children have been looking at puzzles and jigsaws outside as they discussed the order of the numbers on the puzzle going from 0-10 then 10-0.


  • We are at forest on a Tuesday, please remember to meet us at waterstone crook car park. We would also suggest that you still pack a small light bag on a forest day as children still may need a change of clothes.
  • please apply suncream to your children before drop off, we have a nursery sun cream where we can reapply in the afternoon. Please do not send suncream in your child’s bag as this is treated as medication and other children could be allergic.


Have a great weekend everyone! See you next week ☺️

The Newport nursery team x

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