Newport Nursery Blog 13.11.23-17.11.23

Good evening everyone!

What a busy week we have all experienced.

On Monday, our Christmas interest has most definitely begun with an announcement linked with a home experience. ‘I’ve got Christmas music in my car.’ ‘I know Jingle Bells but I don’t know the other Christmas songs.’

This led to learning about;

*how to research Christmas songs using the iPad (technical issues) then the PC

*listening to, watching and participating in Christmas song exploration on the Smartboard

*sharing our likes and dislikes relating to Christmas songs

*confidently ask and answer questions about our beliefs and family traditions…’What do you leave out for 🎅🏽🦌🦌🦌🛷 on Christmas Eve?’ What do you put at the top of your Christmas 🎄?

*applying our technology skills to operate and play the Christmas CD in the music area

*performing Christmas songs (indoors and out) as a small group and independently demonstrating rhythm using untuned percussion instruments and sharing song words and the different versions we know

*exploring the Christmas Tree Decoration game on Topmarks (selecting, dragging, dropping, mouse control, hand eye coordination).

*apply our gross motor skills and skill of space sharing and communication to jump in puddles

*develop our skill and interest in simple coding using the Beebots (this has been generated by our Bear Hunt adventures. Through our Beebot experiences, we were learning to;

*clearly share our ideas with a friend using a map  (‘I’m going to get it to the shop’)

*apply our knowledge of direction to make Beebot go.

*to use the iPad to explore the Beebot app and select a range of challenges

*develop our skills in giving directional instructions

On Tuesday, we were learning to;

*🍕👍🏼🍕👎🏼display our lunch choices on a table by recording our name or drawing a picture.

*observe and discuss the weather and apply our self help skills to get appropriately dressed with waterproofs and wellyboots.

*risk assess our movements and resources in the garden.

*undertake a group Gummy Bear science activity linked with our interest in Bears (following on from We’re Going on. Bear Hunt), predicting what will happen to the sweets by Friday.

*participate as a group to share in a range of familiar and less familiar rhymes and songs shared by our special guest, ‘Reading Rabbit.’

*listen to, discuss, predict and share word patterns heard in ‘Reading Rabbit’s traditional story choice…’Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’

On Wednesday, at Forest Kindergarten we were learning to;

*use some of our Signalong knowledge to share our Forest Kindergarten Charter

*continue our group interest from last week to create and use our own role play fire circle. ‘We are the teachers, you need to help us get the sticks.’ ‘We stay in the fire square and no children are allowed in this circle.’

*play a new type of Tig called ‘Toilet Tig,’ and with practice and through discussion we were able to teach others the rules of the game

*safely cook mallows over the fire, discussing our likes and dislikes

*participate in a Bear Hunt Activity requested by a friend and successfully explored our forest spaces and beyond, suggesting sounds and recalling words patterns as we went.

*use sticks as tools to make marks on the forest floor and describing our movements

*discuss how we were feeling after we were exercising

*independently and with an adult explore a range of books

*take time to use our senses to explore our forest space at different heights

On Thursday, we were learning to;

*explore a range of books using a range of online stories available on the Top Marks site, following the text and turning the pages using our hand eye coordination

*lead or interact in small world  and imaginative play using the Lego, Block area and loose parts as well as in the home corner

*operate our remote control cars and apply our investigative skills to move other vehicles and items using the force of our remote control car

*explore the Beebot community map to explore sounds and letters on each of the buildings

*assess our large grassy garden and decide the type of clothing we would need to wear

*apply our resilience and team work to make our wheeled trikes, bikes and scooters to move on the grass

*to share our ideas and interests, to create ‘meals’ in our mud kitchen

*to use a range of tools to develop our gross motor skills and team work

*communicate our needs and wants when playing on the Seesaw, sharing our understanding of how to successfully make it work

*continue our Signalong use to share our outdoor charter and through our everyday learning

On Friday, we were learning to;

*become even more confident to self-serve our snack and take part in sociable chat with our friends

*clearly share our opinions about snack using our hands 🙌

*revisit our Gummy Bear experiment and evaluate our predictions, share hypothesis, apply and extend our comparative language, share space and ideas with our friends

*explore our new art box which inspired a large group to create a range of pictures using a variety of media and techniques

*join in with a new game called ‘Cool Dude Tig,’ designed by two creative individuals. They confidently planned and shared the rules with adults and their friends.

*discuss and extend how we can care for our teeth with the help from Louise (NHS) Childsmile and Buddy

*support our special visitor, Reading Rabbit to learn more songs and rhymes…Twinkle, Twinkle, Once I caught a Fish alive, Baby Shark (Christmas Shark version), Row, Row, Row your Boat, The Goldilocks Song 🎵


*listen and explore the story, ‘Dinosaurs Love Underpants,’ and explore the story sequence using stick puppets.

*design our own pant designs using a range of media, patterns and our unique mark making skills

*explore the NSPCC song, Pantosaurus to help us to understand our rights

Click on the link to explore…


A few little reminders…

💭Remember our Cosy Time Lending Library is available in the Welcome Space. Please feel free to explore the books.📖📚

💭50 Things to do Before you are Five app advertises a range of local Events

💭With the change of season and varied weather  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with wellyboots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 2 full changes of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭Please feel free to explore our ‘Quick Question Time’ Floor Book in the ‘Welcome Entrance’ space. Any further comments? Please feel free to write further comments in the speech bubbles in the Floor Book.

💭If you need to discuss the Seesaw app, particularly with setting up all functions/privacy, please speak with a member of staff.

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

💭Forest happens every Wednesday (unless advised through Groupcall/Seesaw) and tarpaulin and a fire is provided throughout the session.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Best wishes,

The Newport Nursery Team 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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