Newport Nursery week 30.11.23.

This week learning is… Exploring, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

What a busy week we have had in Nursery, lots of laughter, scares and discussions on what they will be doing and who they were going to be.

We celebrated Halloween this week we the children engaging in lots of different Halloween fun. In the art area to children engaged in creating models and pictures using a range of materials and in the block area to make a haunted house. Children engaged using the lightboard to be creative in making designs using a range of natural loose parts and coloured paper shapes. While  other children explored the clay area taking the story of Room on the broom has their inspiration to make a range of models such as a witches hat, a frog or a broom.





On Monday night the children enjoyed the Halloween disco and we had lots of the children discussing and showing the adults their dance moves. Well what did the children not do on Tuesday. In the snack area some children helped to make the monster shaped sandwiches. They choose jam or cheese and enjoyed cutting out the shapes using their counting skills to count out up to 18 on both plates. They discuss that they could make 2 sandwiches out of the slices. They helped to cut out the witches fingers from the cucumber and names the tomatoes has eyeballs. The children also enjoyed craving out the pumpkin with the adult, showing skills to discuss using tools safely  and listen to  the advice from the adult to take turns.


Over the week some children have been extending their creative skills and working with an adult to make fairy wings that link to characters from stories or films and extending this interest to their imaginative play. This has evolved over the whole of the week with more creative minds to use a range of resources such has wooden blocks being made into mobile phones.

Due to forest being cancelled the children enjoyed making pizza for snack and on Thursday they made milkshake using a range of berries and honey and milk. They used a blender which led to a discussion on how it worked. What it needed to work recognising the need for electricity which started a topic on other appliances that needed this source from around the setting to their homes.


The Learning wall area is still on going with lots of children engaging in writing their own storybooks either using the writing area or the more cosy area by the learning wall. One child recalled the activity at the forest linking it to the story of Going on a bear hunt. They worked with the adult to  search for an activity on this topic, finding a bear hunt to do outside. This lead to doing some research on polar bears and create their own image.


A group of children went on a walk after showing an interest in birds outside. We used an app that can record bird song and immediately identify exactly which bird is making the sound. The children were able to listen to instructions and help one another identify and listen out for birds. Once the picture popped onto the app when the birds were singing, the children could see what bird it was and shared with one another what its name was and things the6 knew about the bird including what colours it was and how big it might be. Children then shared their learning and interests with family and peers on return. Children have again showed interest today in birds where we will start to collect data on how many of each bird we see/hear 🐦 The children found a robin, common chaffinch and a magpie yesterday and expressed their excitement for finding these!


Some children recalled the yoga sessions that they had experience so they cleared an area to do this safely while the adult put some calming Reiki music for these to move , balance and stretch to relax. Afterwards they discussed confidently that they felt better and calm.

Our Cosy Time Library 📚

This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned

✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️



Please remember that on Friday 10th November there is no Nursery due to an In-service day.

  • Please remember to send a spare change of clothing with your child to nursery as well as a jacket as it is now getting colder and our children love playing in all weathers!
  •  anyone has any junk they are wishing to get rid of we will take! Any old boxes/cardboard boxes or baskets, kitchenware, table cloths, piping/guttering or any other household items please let the staff know! Thank you


We hope you all have a lovely Bonfire weekend and enjoy the lovely fireworks, but please stay safe. See you all on Monday.


Have fun.

from all the Nursery team. xxx

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