Newport Nursery week 25/09/2023

This week learning is… Exploring, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

This week in Nursery has been very different so this will be a short newsletter covering the Monday and Friday.

On Monday some children were busy designing and creating a tower using a range of blocks and loose parts. They showed skills to negotiate and problem solve a very wobbly tower. Whilst outside a group of  children engaged playing team games such has What’s the time Mr Wolf. They used a range of numbers and used the correct language to describe time using past and o’clock.

Inside a group of children engaged with the adults to discuss the features of books. They showed a good recognition of the author, illustrator, the blurb even mentioning the spine of the book. They discussed the start of where to read that supported their own voices.



We enjoyed the company of Mrs Laing this morning and the children explored being very crafty with skills that promoted hand and eye co-ordination. This interest arose from a child that spent time being very crafty over the days away from the nursery. The skills shown were sewing, threading, stuffing, using scents etc to create cushions. Lots of discussions, sharing ideas and to help each other to problem solve.

Lots of interest shown in the new areas with children engaging with  a range of figures and puppets too.



Our Cosy Time Library 📚

This will be available to families at drop off and pick up time every day for you and your child to choose a book to take home to read 🏡There is no time limit on our library books we would just ask that you sign the book with your child’s name, the title of the book they have taken, the date it was taken and when it was returned

✍️There will be pens and hand sanitiser available for you to sign the books in and out. If your child has any special requests for a certain book please ask a member of staff or send a message on seesaw and we can help you 😃There will be a folder with your child’s name for them to put the book in for its journey to home and back 📁A tray will be available for you to put in your returned books so we can quarantine and clean them before putting them on display again, if you have any questions, any member of staff would be happy to help ☺️


Just a reminder that the school holiday is from the Monday 9th October for 2 weeks.

  • Can all parents label items of  your child’s clothing.
  • Can all parents put in at least one full change of clothing for water play and accidents.
  • Can all parents if your child has a packed lunch can we please ensure grapes and big fruits are cut to minimise the risk of choking.🍇
  • Can we remind all parents\carers to park in a white space only as the yellow spaces are for staff only.
  • Can all parents ensure your child has a set of waterproofs and wellies to play outside when it’s wet.
  • If your child is going to be picked up by someone else, please let the ladies know or the office so we are aware.
  • Can we ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Can we ensure when you are leaving the nursery that the gate is locked.
  • There is learning at home sheets available in the nursery to share your child’s learning and experiences that you do at home.
  • Please ensure that your child has had sun cream applied before attending nursery. Please do not send sun cream to nursery in their bags, we have our own sun cream at nursery to use.

The Nursery Team








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