Week beginning 18th September 2023

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a lovely week at nursery and have enjoyed your first forest session of the year! Here is a look at what we have been doing this week…


Groups of children have been showing an interest in group games this week as children have been inviting their peers to play. They have been exploring adding and subtracting as well as a memory game.

Sophie requested that we have hot chocolate for snack as it would be nice and warm. Sophie helped Miss McKenzie to prepare and make the hot chocolate as she discussed experiences at home with her mum making hot chocolate.

Children have been expressing their feelings in a really positive way this week. At snack, children spoke to one another and said “this is really delicious, I really like this snack” “wow these are the best hot dogs ever” “I really liked the forest didn’t you? It was so fun!”. Children have been keen to share their likes and dislikes with one another in a range of situations.

It was our very first session at the forest this week and everyone had a really positive experience. Children explored all areas of the forest and were able to take risks and communicate well. We had hot dogs for snack which went down a treat as children expressed their love for the hot dogs and forest experience as a whole.

Children have been showing an interest in writing where they are using a range of media to mark make. Some children chose to write in diaries or create their own pictures based on real life experiences.

Eli and Chloe were inspired by Oran and created their own music using tin foil! They blew into the foil which created a funny sound!

Hubert and Timothy have been working together as they created a picture in art using the paints and painting easel.

Oran and Elyn had taken their yoga moves they had learnt and used these in their play outside this week.

Some children chose to look at their PLJ’s and helped to add in photos of themselves into the right sections!

This week we explored the story of the gingerbread man and used the playdough area to extend our learning from the story. We used cinnamon to mix into our playdough mixture and used the story to read along as we rolled out the dough and cut out our own gingerbread men shapes.

Children worked together in the block area as they used their communication skills to build a castle! They recognised each others abilities and praised each other for the good ideas that they had.

Fraser has been exploring facial expressions and how to capture these using the iPad. Fraser was able to learnt how to use different controls as he flipped the camera and pressed the capture button.

A group of children have been exploring rhyming through a matching game as they have to listen and look at the words to see what rhyming box it goes into.

Thank you to everyone so far who has handed in a learning wall sheet to put on our learning wall! You all have fantastic ideas and have done amazing with your mark making 😄

We had another yoga session to end our week as we spoke about our feelings and emotions. Children shared their own moves and were even able to roll away their mats and were inspired to help others too! New children joined in for the session and some just chose to watch to see what the session was all about 😄



  • Forest is on a Wednesday, please can you park and drop off our child at waterstone crook car park and not in Forgans art centre. We will wait at waterstone crook until 9:15 and then head up to the forest location.
  • The yellow spaces in the car park are for staff only, please only park in the white spaces.
  • Please make sure your child has wellies and waterproofs for playing at nursery as you never know when the weather might change and the children love water play!
  • Please help yourself to another learning wall sheet if you would like one!


Have a great weekend everyone, see you next week!


The Newport Nursery Team x


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