Week beginning 5th June 2023

Hello everyone! We hope you have had a great week…..here is a look into what we have been up to this week……


Raine has been exploring the transient art outside where she made a picture of a beach house using the shells and photo frames.

A group of children worked together to build a house using the loose parts and different materials. They worked hard and used trial and error to make it work.


Sanna made her own mask with very little help! She shared her ideas with the adults and used different materials to put them together and create her mask.

It was Hamishs birthday this week where he chose to help make a cake. Hamish was able to mix and add all the ingredients and then asked to lick the spoon at the end.


A group of children chose to come and join for a healthy snack. They tried some pomegranate, pineapple, grapefruit and rice cakes.

Victor played outside where he wanted to paint a picture. Victor was able to discuss colours and patterns on his design.


A group of children created a speed boat using the loose parts outside. The boys said that they were going to Dundee to the shops where they discussed how they were going to pay for their shopping. The boys then discussed what other modes of transport they could take to other locations.


Lucy explored using the musical instruments outside where she created a range of different sounds.

Lily has been using the iPad to develop her seesaw skills as she sends a picture of herself to her mum and helps to upload it.


A group of children helped to plant some potatoes today after finding a hidden pack which had grown some roots! The children chose where in the garden they wanted to plant them and spoke about how they would plant them and what they would need to grow.


Murdo and Ruaridh were dressing up as pirates today where they were going around the nursery looking for treasure!




  • please remember to apply suncream to your child before arriving at nursery as it might get sunny in the afternoon, we are happy to reapply with the nursery suncream throughout the day and can we ask that no suncreams go into childrens bags as we treat suncream as medication in nursery. If you would prefer your child use your own suncream then we can give you a form to complete!
  • Please remember your helmet on your play on pedals day so your child can take part
  • The children will be visiting for another Primary 1 transition visit next week




Happy birthday to Hamish who celebrated his 5th birthday on Wednesday….we hope you had the best day 🎂🎉


Have a great weekend ☺️
The nursery team

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