Newport Nursery week of the 18.11.24

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week! Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery…..

This week learning is… Exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

This week we have seen lots of children developing their own learning through asking lots of questions demonstrating skills to research, recall the new learning and create their own images of these animals. This is now creating a fabulous learning  wall. of lots of different animals being researched. We have had questions being shared from their homes such as chickens, tigers, giraffe., panadas and many more such as a Mammoth. This came from one child at snack using cucumber has tusks that inspired others to talk about elephants leading onto Mammoth research.  We have had children sharing their parents favourite animals. I could keep going on, but please take time to look at the wall as you come into the nursery or take a learning sheet home to share with your child. The children have also been enjoying exploring the resources displaying skills to match and sort the animals.

Some of the questions asked…..

“How fast do tigers go?

How big are giraffes?

“What are Mammoths?.



Also this week the children have been sharing their knowledge and understanding on People who help us when we have been evaluating the learning topic.



This week we have also been promoting the forth coming St Andrews day celebration through creating a weaving pattern and looking at the different tartans available. This continues from the weaving and threading area that has recently been promoted in the setting.

At snack the children are continuing voicing their opinions on whether they liked the snack that day through a mark making experience. Hotdogs seems to be the favourite at the moment. One child enjoyed sharing his knowledge on fruit, recognising that it was healthy for him, and sugar was not. We also celebrated Alfie’s 5th birthday on Thursday and we all hope that he has a lovely day on Friday.

The children are continuing to enjoy a session of cosmic yoga each day after lunchtime and they are developing their skills to move their bodies into an array of positions.

Outside there have been opportunities to enjoy the nice cold weather sharing their thoughts on how it made them feel, what they have been noticing such as the leaves falling, jack frost and discovering what creatures are about. This week we had a visit from a pheasant whilst enjoying one of the many walks around the school ground. They have found mole hills, a beehive even a horse. On Friday whilst outside a group of children observed how the planes made wriggly lines and straight ones too which lead to sharing holiday experiences and their travel journeys. This lead onto discussing how the moon comes out during the day too. Another possible learning wall topic for outside.  This lead to the adults setting up a turf tray of cloud dough which feel and looks like snow for the children to explore and investigate.

We are also being extremely busy continuing with the nursery’s enterprise scheme making  items to sell over the coming weeks.

Some children are preparing for the Christmas period singing and playing instruments to the tune of Jingle bells having lots of fun sharing and exploring the instruments.



Tuesday 3rd December 2024  –  Forest Kindergarten.  Meet at 9.00 am 9.15 am at Waterstone Crook car park.

Thursday 5th December 2024    –  BOOK BUG session starting at 9.15 am with Miss Nelson.


With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 1 full change of clothes in your child’s bag.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃

Here is some of the items we are looking for:

Conkers, stones, shells, tea cups, sticks, picture frames, plates, wood, drainpipes, etc,  anything you think might be of used in nursery.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we  😄 see you all on Monday for another great fun filled week!

Miss McKenzie, Miss Nelson, Mrs Wilson and Miss Brougham 👋 x


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