Week beginning 10th June 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week. Here is a look at what we have been up to this week at nursery…..


For our forest session we went to the bottom garden and explored the spaces. Children found tadpoles in some water and went searching round the garden for more animals.

The children have been preparing for their leaving assembly as they practice songs and reflect on their favourite times at nursery since they started.


The children took part in sports day races where they did the obstacle course race, running race and egg and spoon race. The children made a great effort and were really excited to have the buddies help them race!

Children took part in play on pedals where they explored gliding and braking on the bikes. Children demonstrated good listening skills and took in the information that was being given.

This week, children have been showcasing their technology skills as they use the iPads to take photos to make collages and create colourful pictures.


Next week is the last play on pedals session can you please remember to bring your helmets on Monday.

Forest is on Tuesday, please remember to wrap up and prepare for all weathers!

The children will be going through to Primary 1 on Friday with their buddies to visit the Primary 1 spaces.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and will see you next week! 😁

The Newport nursery team x

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