Week beginning 20th May 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week! Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery……

Children in the forest explored a variety of skills as they used the tree swing and searched for different types of birds which linked to past experiences for children.

Children took part in baking banana bread this week with Miss Nelson. Everyone has helped to make her feel very welcome on her first week back!

Some children have been using the coloured vehicles to explore counting and sorting skills.

children have been working in the block area to design and make a tower using a range of shapes and sizes. The boys were very proud of their work and asked for a picture of their finished product.


The girls created their own Barbie dreamworld using the dolls house, blocks and environmental print.


The children’s sunflowers are coming along nicely. The children have been checking up on them daily and helping to water them. This has encouraged a lot of mathematical language as children discuss the height of the seedlings and compare to others.

After finding some cellophane, Isla and Christian were inspired to make eye patches that they could see through. They did the cutting and the sticking themselves they just needed a little help to attach the string. This then inspired others to join in too.


Children have been very creative with loose parts and different resources as they made different modes of transport where they had to problem solve how to keep the vehicles together. Children inside made jewellery for family members and Lego models.



  • Forest is on Tuesday where we meet at waterstone crook car park from 9:00-9:15. Can we also just make you aware that with the hot and humid weather that tics may be around in the forest area so encourage you to check your child after every forest session incase any have made their way home on your child!
  • Please remember to apply suncream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.

We hope you all have a great weekend and will see you next week!
The Newport Nursery Team x

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