Week beginning 4th December 2023

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week at Newport Nursery. Here is a look at what we have been up to this week…


Our children have been very creative in a number of ways as they prepare for our christmas enterprise project where we will be selling decorative cushions, tree decorations, christmas keyrings, reindeer food and festive playdough packs.

Our nursery enterprise project contains:

Reindeer food – £1

Tree decoration £1

Snowman Keyring £1

Decorative cushion £2

Festive playdough packs £1.50

Sophie and Isla also got creative as they made pet toys! They used paper, string and feathers to make cat and dog toys which inspired others to join in and create their own.

Timothy has mastered the art of envelope making! Timothy worked out how to make an envelope as there wasn’t one big enough to fit his card in and created lots of them for his peers to use.

We all helped to put up the christmas tree and place the decorations where we wanted. Some children helped with the lights and some wanted to put on the tinsel! Cammy chose to put the angel on top of the tree!

We have been opening our advent calander each day at nursery! We worked out what number came before and after the date and counted out how many doors were open so far and left to open. Every child will have a turn at opening the doors as we make our way down the register!

We had another great forest session where we did lots of exploring, some children built dens, helped to look after the fire and even created more stories! Isla created a story about elves and used her peers as inspiration!


Chloe has been showcasing her mark making skills as she creates pictures for her peers of barbie and Ken, singing along as she draws 😄

children have been exploring completing puzzles on the whiteboard as they select what picture they wanted to do. Children were able to challenge themselves as they decided if they wanted a background picture to help them complete it or not.

Other children chose to make symmetrical pictures where they had to complete the missing side. There was also a game where children explored their numeracy skills and had to order the amounts and match them to the correct number. The children really showcased their abilities!


Elyn has been creating her own story for the first time this week as she reads her story out loud with an adult. She named her story The Candy Cane. Well done Elyn what a fantastic story!




Charlotte also spent a lot of time creating a wonderful story called The Boy and the Girl on Christmas Eve. What confident reading Charlotte!

Carrying on from the childrens interests in stories, the children took a walk up to the school library where they chose a range of stories to bring back and share with their peers.



  • The nursery sing along is on Friday 15th December
  • Nursery christmas party is on Tuesday 19th December
  • The last day of term is Wednesday 20th December
  • Our nursery enterprise project will go on sale week beginning 11th December


Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss McKenzie

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