1st December 2023

Wow here we are in December!


Happy Friday Everyone πŸ™‚

Well what another busy week we’ve had in nursery.

Lots of puzzles and jigsaws this week. Learning to work together and cooperate. Checking that all the puzzles and games are complete, following instructions and using our knowledge of shapes and positional language.

Some of the children have been practicing their numeracy skills with Miss McKenzie and demonstrating their knowledge of time, seasons and months. Lots of quality observations for our PLJs.

Art Area:

We have been doing some collaborative painting this week, with some of the boys experimenting with colour mixing and working together to create works of art.
Oran discovered how to make secondary colours and Christian & Alex identified how to change the colour shades. Great Job πŸ™‚

Learning Wall:

Lots of the children have been using the wooden characters to create their own stories at the learning wall area. Showing their understanding of the different ways to create and tell stories. The children are still getting so much from the learning wall topic and it is fantastic to see them use there knowledge to further their own learning.

Christmas/Winter Activities:

This week marks the start of our Christmas/winter activities in nursery. With β€œFestive Friday β€œ creating a winter scene in our art area, lots of melted snowman pictures. Mrs Wilson and the children creating snowflakes for everyone to use as a winter snowy scenes, Mrs Cameron made us a postbox for our writing area, where the children have been using different Christmas themed stationery to make lists, letters and pictures to post, and the start of our Christmas Enterprise projects with Miss McKenzie ! The children have been learning some new skills such as sewing, and practicing problem solving, creative ideas and following complex instructions. The children have excelled πŸŽ„

St Andrews Day

We had porridge and berries for snack, lots of Scottish music, and Scottish Country dancing outdoors, researched Loch Ness & Nessie and explored our lovely St Andrews display.


Festive Fridays 8th and 15th December -children can wear Christmas T-shirts/jumpers

Nursery Christmas Singalong – Friday 15th December

Parent Chats start Monday 4th December

Christmas Enterprise- the items the children have been busy making will be available to sell in the coming days, funds raised from this goes towards resources for the nursery children. More on this soon

Winter clothes – Now that the weather has turned even colder, we are asking that children come dressed for the weather, particularly for forest kindergarten. We are out for a good portion of the day and the children can get quite cold, quite quickly.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all next week for more festive fun.

The nursery team πŸŒŸπŸ™‚


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