Week beginning 6th November

This week learning has been …….. discovering, researching, creating, imagining, experimenting, being responsible and helping.

We are learning to be responsible, safe and respectful. Lots of us are volunteering to help make snack, clean up our spills and practicing our tidying up skills. If we use it, we know we need to put it back. (Although we are still finding it tricky in the art area when we are busy creating masterpieces).

Winter Tidy up:

Outside this week we have been washing down the outside resources and making the garden area nice and tidy after the recent storms. We gathered buckets of warm soapy water and had fun working together as a team using our water play skills to make everything sparkly and clean.

“We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”

Carrying on from last week we have been “Going on a Bear Hunt “. Using the story to help us retell the story through role play. Showing that we are continuing to engage with our learning wall. Exploring different ways to listen to, and tell stories. Lots of rhyming, sequencing and discovering how we can act out different characters.

Outside, Mrs Wilson and some of the children created an activity where they had to “go on a bear hunt” around the garden to find all the hidden bears. SSH! Don’t tell the next person where they’re hiding! 🐻


We are talking about and exploring Diwali this week. Looking at and researching what Diwali is and how people celebrate it.
Some of us have been drawing around our hands and designing patterns on them with different colourful beads. Lots of bright Diwali colours in the art area to inspire our pictures, paintings and creations.

We participated in discussions around what foods people enjoy during Diwali feasts and how they might celebrate.


Forest School

This week there was only a few of us. Some of us built our own campfire, gathering sticks and leaves for our fire and logs to create the fire square. Some were catching leaves as they fell from the trees, before they reached the ground. We had French toast on the fire for snack and listened to see if we recognised the birds.

Telescopes have been a big interest this week, with the children exploring different ways to make them. Sharing resources and practicing our turn taking skills, lots of negotiating and discussions. Some of us used the telescopes in our role play as pirates and some of us used them to investigate the playroom more closely.

Now that the weather has most definitely turned, we are asking that all children who attend forest on Wednesdays to come with weather appropriate layers.

Writing Table

Lots of interest in writing and practicing our new words. Sounding out each and working out which letter is needed.

Design & Build

The block area has been popular this week too, with children getting creative and designing very intricate buildings and cities! We can talk about the shapes we used and why we positioned them in certain places. Showing our understanding of shape, design and positional language.

Mrs Foulis

This week sees Mrs Foulis leaving us for pastures new. We have all enjoyed the fun and games, and we will miss you. We wish you luck in your new role ☺️


In-service Day

Friday 10th November the nursery will be closed to the children. Back to normal on Monday 13th November.


We are grateful for absences noted on Seesaw but can we ask that you also contact the school office to log them. This just ensures all absences are logged correctly.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃

Here is some of the items we are looking for:

Conkers, stones, shells, tea cups, sticks, picture frames, plates, anything you think might be of used in nursery.
We are also on the lookout for two of kitchen chairs, if anyone is getting rid of them. We are looking to develop a new area in the playroom.

Phew what a busy week!

Enjoy your weekend everyone and we’ll see you on Monday 😃

The Nursery Team






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