15th September 2023

Well it’s Friday again!

Here’s what we’ve been up to this week in nursery …. Lots of exploring, counting, discovering, experimenting, predicting, practicing, imagining, creating and sharing.

This week began with sharing what we know about money/coins. Following on from our outdoor shop last week, where we were role playing buying and selling, we have been playing maths games on the smart board where we have been sorting coins and discussing the value of each. We surprised the nursery ladies with what we already know& 🙂
We’ve been making the most of the warm weather, with lots of outdoor play.
The past couple of weeks we have had lots of interest in maps and pirates, this week we have made our own maps and been using them to go on exciting adventures!

Also outdoors, we’ve talked about shapes. In particular, looking for natural shapes within our immediate environment. Mrs Wilson set up an activity using natural loose parts to encourage shape making. Lots of us enjoyed creating and discovering 2D shapes.
For snack this week Mrs Cameron brought in her blender and we made fruit smoothies. We really liked these, some of us enjoyed the process more than the smoothies 😂

We discussed what kind of smoothies we wanted to make and we settled on two: Mixed Berry and Banana & Orange.
We washed, prepared and sliced all the fruit carefully, listening to the instructions. We then used our predicting skills to see what colour the smoothies would be.
Lots of discussion about fruit and vegetables we enjoy (and the ones we don’t!).

“I don’t like smoothies but I like the colour!” -Isla

”It tastes like summer”-Timothy

”I like the berry one best”- Oran

”It’s yummy!”- Elyn

Nursery Charter:

Since we have practicing our social goals for a few weeks now, this week we have been talking about what makes us happy at nursery and what we can do to help our nursery friends be happy.
We have decided on goals we are going to use to help us be happy and safe. Feel free to chat about these at home.

Learning Wall: “Stories”

We have started our first learning wall of the year in nursery.

We have been talking about our favourite stories, as well as discussing what we know about characters and what a plot is.

We have sent home our learning wall forms and ask that if you and your child do anything to do with stories, that you complete the form together.
Christmas Cards (I know it’s September 😂)

On Wednesday we started creating our own Christmas cards with Miss McKenzie. These will be turned into cards and available to purchase nearer the time, as a fundraiser for the school. We have lots of pictures as festive inspiration and our designs are fantastic already!
Following on from making fans, kites and masks, some of us have been experimenting and creating paper crowns. Lots of problem solving and planning out the best materials to use, as well as helping our friends to create their own.

Also this week we welcomed Fraser to nursery. We are excited to have you join us and happy you are settled and exploring the setting.

Loose Parts:

The nursery team are looking for more items for the loose parts. If you have any of the following we would be eternally grateful if you pass them along to us:

old teacups, pine cones, corks, pipes, guttering, in fact anything you may consider junk!


* Forest School starts on Wednesday 20th September. Please remember to drop your little one at the Forgan arts centre instead of nursery. Pick up will be back at the nursery at our normal time.

* We now have our learning wall forms for everyone to participate in. If you don’t yet have one, they can be found on the bookcase at the door. Please help yourself 😊

* Parent chats start on Monday, hopefully everyone has an appointment time, if not please speak to one of the team and we will organise this for.
We’re looking forward to catching up with everyone next week.

* Can we also remind everyone that if you are using the school car park, to only use the white parking spaces. Yellow spaces are reserved for staff and although it be free, staff arrive at t different times throughout the school day. Thanks for your cooperation.

Hope you can make the summer fair tomorrow 🙂

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