Week beginning 21/08/23

Hello everyone, we hope you have enjoyed your first full week with us at Newport Nursery. Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery this week….


We have been making choices at snack time where we have been helping one another with ideas about what could be for snack that day. Some of the choices this week were bagels with ham and cream cheese, tomatoes and apples, crackers with butter and strawberries and raspberries.


Almost all of the children have been engaged in mark making in the writing area, art area and outside. They have created pictures using a wide variety of materials to showcase their ideas and learning.


Groups of children have been creating models with Lego. This has encouraged them to communicate their ideas with others which has helped to spark friendships.



We had a discussion about what would happen in a fire drill and even had a practise of our own where we walked around the school grounds to get familiar with the area and the children did great discussing how to keep each other safe and what would happen if we heard the fire bell.
Cameron- “the firemen come”

Archie- “you need to go outside, be safe”

Timothy- “we go to the special place to stand”


Timothy started off an interest in watering the plants where he watered the plants in the room and discussed how they grow from seeds and need the water to grow. This encouraged his peers to water the plants outside where they shared responsibilities and discussed how much more water each plant needed.


Everyone is getting into the new lunch routines where they are able to collect their lunches using their bands, take their trays to the table and then put everything in the right place when clearing up at the end. Individuals have been making an effort to give foods a try before deciding if they like them or not.



Children have been sharing personal experiences with staff such as discussing their families and things that they have at home that they enjoy such as stories and favourite teddies.


It was Elyns first day with us on Monday where she was keen to get helping as soon as she came in. Elyn helped to unpack and put away our first Tesco delivery and stayed to help until the very last item was put away and did this all on her own accord!


Archie and Christian have been very keen to give themselves “homework” in nursery where Christian has been doing his writing and Archie has been doing his equals (sums). Archie has been identifying random numbers up to 100 and writing these all down independently!
(Disclaimer….We don’t hand out homework in nursery don’t worry! 🫣)


Chloe and Cora have been keen to role play where they chose different outfits to dress up in to portray different character in the house corner or when using the rocking horse as part of their play.

We have created an autumn display for the children to explore and start an interest in talking about the changing seasons. Alex brought in something from home to add to the display and to share with his friends!


All children have been doing a great job at performing personal hygiene routines such as washing hands when needed before snack/lunch or after playing outside as well as brushing their teeth and remembering which toothbrush is theirs by looking at the symbols and colours.


We went on a walk around the school and decided to collect some apples for baking! The children gave good suggestions such as apple sauce, apple pie and apple crumble!

Children have been eager to help set up at snack time and Alex took it upon himself to set the table ow he thought it should look whilst Elyn poured milk into a jug ready for drinking.

Children have been really interested in audiobooks and have been beginning to follow along with the pictures in the books.

Groups of children have been creating pictures using the apples we collected where they cut the apples in half and then used paint to press them on the paper.

Children have been using their skills to record their voices using the talking tins. They were able to press the record button and listen back to what they had said. They talked about what would be important to say into the talking tin at snack and Isla said “we could say what is for snack” where Eli then said “we can tell people to wash their hands”.


Thank you for a great week and we hope you have a great weekend! See you on Monday!

The Newport Nursery Team



  • Can you please make sure that you sign your child out at the end of the day at pick up time by letting one of the staff members know so we are aware of who is here and who is not to keep your children safe.
  • Forest will be starting some time in the next month, we will make you aware of when this is when we know.
  • Can we please ask that when dropping off or picking up your child to park in the white car parking spaces only as staff members start at different times and can often not get their spaces.
  • Outdoor clothing and wellies are essential at nursery as we are always outside enjoying all weathers!
  • Can we ask that you please apply suncream before arriving at nursery



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