Week beginning 26/06/23

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great last week of term and are looking forward to the summer holidays! Here is a look at what we have been up to on our final week…..

We had our nursery graduation where children graduated into primary one or their second year of nursery. Children wore hats and gowns and were able to collect a certificate from Miss Allan and Miss Donaldson. They sang some songs for parents and families and even enjoyed some lovely strawberries after! We also shared a video of pictures of all the children throughout the year which you can watch on the seesaw app!




Children took part in their last play on pedals session where they all concentrated very well and tried their very best! They also received their certificates this week to celebrate finishing the course!

Its Lucy’s birthday tomorrow so we celebrated with chocolate cake that she brought in to share, happy birthday when it comes Lucy!



Thank you so much to everyone for the support over the past year, we can’t wait to see you blossom in primary one! Please come back on your first day to show us you in your uniform! To our returners, have a great summer and see you all again soon! ❤️
Good luck to Miss Nelson who is leaving to have her little baby! We will miss you and can’t wait to see your little one! 🌟

Have the best summer! ☀️ 🌴

The nursery team x


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