Teddy Bears Picnic Summer Term Blog 11


Hello Everyone!

This is the time of year we would usually be inviting children, carers and Buddies to the Newport Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic. The nursery staff thought we could each hold our own picnic instead.  To help you with your Teddy Bears Picnic,  we have been delivering special Teddy Bear Gift Bags  to your doorstep (some houses are a little trickier to find or some people have moved house but we shall get the gifts to you soon).  We were delighted to talk with some families during our deliveries and if we didn’t, we hope you enjoyed the lovely doorstep surprise bag! If you have received your new teddy bear gift, you could help them settle into your home by letting them join in with your teddy bears picnic or why not  include your favourite cuddly toy (doesn’t need to be a bear), a blanket and some yummy treats? The picnic can be held indoors or outdoors, the main thing is to have lots of fun. Can you share some photos of your lovely time with your special friend?

As a wee surprise here is a template for an invitation to your very own Teddy Bears Picnic.  Have a go at writing it out and perhaps inviting a friend.


Here is the nursery staff and their special friends enjoying a picnic, can you spot some familiar (furry) faces?


There is a famous song about some Teddy Bears going on a picnic, do you know it? Let’s sing along now.

Here are some of the words to the song above plus the chance to draw/paint your own special teddy.


One story we all know and love is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. Children love to join in with this story and often retell the story in the forest with lots of fun and laughter. Here Michael Rosen tells the story with lots of brilliant sound effects, can you make your own sound effects? Why do you think the bear was following the family home?


Why not have a go at making your own Teddy Bear mask? The link below gives you some ideas.

You will need:

  • Paper plate
  • Coloured pens/pencils or paint
  • Googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • Lollypop stick or elastic
  • Craft materials to decorate

Jez Albourgh is an author who writes lots of lovely stories about bears. Here he is reading one of his stories ‘Where’s my Teddy’. This is a great story with lots of rhyming words and lovely illustrations to promote discussion.

I love Sticky Kids Workout Podcast | Sticky Kids – Season 2 – Workout 2, let’s play it!


This workout can be enjoyed by adults as well as wee ones. You can exercise in a circle or opposite each other on the spot, sometimes down on the floor or moving around your space.
Track List and Workout Benefits
Clap Your Hands (Action, Coordination); Tiptoe Like A Tiger (Action, Memory); Tap Your Head (Listening skills); Here Are My Knees (Body awareness); Wiggles and Jiggles (Very active); Take One (Numeracy skills); Cool Down (Develops focus)

If you’d like to try some mindful yoga to chill out to, Jaime at Cosmic Kids uses “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”.  Have a go at this.  It is so much fun and good for your body and mind!

On a picnic, you usually have lots of yummy things to eat.  What treats are you going to take to eat in the open air?  Delicious cakes,  crumbly biscuits, scrummy quiche or fresh fruit? What’s your favourite?  These are some ideas for yummy treats if you would like to have a go at making something for you and your cuddly friend to enjoy.


Another awesome idea to make your own sandwich for the picnic.  Make your grown up proud by making it all by yourself.  What toppings will you add?   We love the colours on this next recipe.


Mrs Ross found this teddy bear biscuit for you all to bake.

Please send in a pic of what yummy treat you have created.

The teddies are having a lovely time at the picnic. Can you help them share out their food?


Here’s a game that we used to play on the computer in nursery!  Can you show your grown up how to play it? This teddy helps us learn to count and it eats lots of cakes.


Now it’s time to meet a little girl who had a surprise awakening by ‘The Three Bears.’

With an adult, have a look at the song words.  Can you sing each verse?  Can you add some actions?

When Goldilocks went to the House of the Bears

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A bowl that was huge,
A bowl that was small,
A bowl that was tiny and that was all,
She counted them: one, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A chair that was huge,
A chair that was small,
A chair that was tiny and that was all,
She counted them: one, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A bed that was huge,
A bed that was small,
A bed that was tiny and that was all,
She counted them: one, two, three.

When Goldilocks ran from the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A bear that was huge,
A bear that was small,
A bear that was tiny and that was all,
They growled at her: grr, grr, grr

Goldilocks compared the size of  bowls, chairs, beds and bears! Can you compare different items by size too?                                                         With an adult, why not look around your house or in the great outdoors and compare objects using size words?                                        Why not take photographs to show us what you have found?
tiny     wee   small       little

huge    big     massive   gigantic


We hope you have enjoyed all the Teddy Bear activities that we have shared with you this week.  We would love to see what you have been busy with and what you got up to on your very own picnic!

Thank you for joining us in our eleventh Summer Blog!  We hope it helps all of you to make a connection with Newport Nursery.  We miss  each and everyone of you!

We are so excited that the Nursery Team shall see many of you this Tuesday.  Those of you who are starting school after the holidays,  have been sent a special invite to come to school to meet your teacher, Mrs Carmichael. This is an exciting time for everyone!

Remember you can look on the school website/Twitter or access special videos to help you with your transition from nursery to school. Click on these links…



Remember to add your thoughts and ideas linked to the Blog using the comments feature or why don’t you share some of you experiences through our school website


Would you like to send a photograph? Click on your photo and send an email to


⭐️Mrs Beat will forward your special photographs.

Time to say goodbye!

Keep safe and keep connected.

The Newport Nursery Team

  • Mrs AC
  • Mrs Kay
  • Mrs Laing
  • Mrs Ross
  • Miss Crichton
  • Mrs Cunnigham
  • Miss Allan
  • Mrs Beat
  • Miss Stevenson


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