Summer Sun Awareness

Hello everyone

In this week’s Blog we thought it would be great to focus on keeping safe in the sun. We have had some lovely sunshine so lets put on our hats, sun cream and sunglasses and have some fun in the sun.


Mrs Kay recites a wee rhyme about the sun.


Do you remember when you were in nursery we would use the outdoor thermometer to find what temperature it was? In the winter months it would sometimes go below 0° and in the summer months it could go as high as 18°.

This is a story about the sun.

Can you tell us what part of the story you liked best?

Here’s Mrs Ross singing about how to stay safe in the sun.

Now we all know how to keep safe in the sun. Here’s an activity that you can download off Twinkl.


Mrs AC and her big boy, Samuel, sing Row, Row, Row your Boat!


Here is a flower chart that you can download. Then you can go on a summer flower hunt. It’s a fun way to find lots of different flowers either in your own garden or during your daily walk.


When you’re out and about you might find some minibeasts too. Mrs Laing found a story about a snail on a sunny day.


Another fun experiment you can do with your family is to plant sunflower seeds. Why not sew some seeds in a sunny area and sew some in a shady area?  Watch to see how tall they grow.

This is a photograph of Mr Ross with Kirsty and Duncan on our garage roof. The sunflowers were measured and the tallest one was 10 foot tall.

We thought you would like to try some of these fun activities that you can do in your garden.
Why not make a Nature Mandala? All you need are some stones, sticks, leaves and flowers. Here is a photo of Mrs Ross’s granddaughter making her own Mandala.  

A Mandala is a circular symbol often seen in Hinduism and Buddhism which represents the universe. It can be a calming experience.

Here is a workout to help you keep fit and healthy .

Sticky kids workout 8

Sticky Kids - Workout 8

This workout can be enjoyed by adults as well as wee ones. You can exercise in a circle or opposite each other on the spot, sometimes down on the floor or moving around your space.

Track List
Warm Up Song; Music, Music, Music; Two Little Hands; Wind Your Bobbin Up; Tall As A House; Stir Up The Porridge; Hands On Hips.


Now its summer and the days are getting longer why don’t you  experiment and make a sun dial in your garden. All you need is : 1 paper plate, 1 long pencil, 1 pen a ruler and a watch.  You can either pop your plate on the ground or put it on a table( I used a table and stuck the plate with blue tack) you then insert the pencil in the middle of the plate at a slight angle.  Every hour you need to mark the shadow using a pencil and ruler.

Remember to write the time on the edge of the plate.  You can decorate your plate and send us your photographs.

Here’s what mine looked like after I added some times.


I am sure everyone is missing going on our weekly trip to the forest. Maybe you could have a forest session in your garden? Make a den using lots of loose parts including blankets, sheets, rope and pegs. This will keep you cool. You can always ask an adult to make smores or cook sausages on a barbaque or on a fire. Do you remember any of the forest rules to keep safe?  Here is a little reminder of some of them.

1. Always make sure you can see an adult.

2. We sit behind the safety square on your bottoms.

3. We have a great time exploring.

Can you think of any other rules we use in the forest?

This is Mr Tumble keeping us safe in the sun.


If you have a tent why not camp out in your garden with your family. You might hear an owl hooting or even see a hedgehog.

Why not draw pictures of the animals, birds and insects you have seen in your garden and share them with us?

Here are two different types of sun hats you can design and colour using chalk, pens, paints, crayons or anything you have in  your garden, for instance leaves, flowers, grass and sticks.

I think everyone likes an ice lolly they are great at keeping you cool and hydrated. On a warm summer day why not try these recipes. Click below to try making your own.


Please share your comments, photos, drawings and ideas in the Comments section or send us an email at  We’ll share these with all your nursery friends.

It’s time to sing goodbye with Bookbug!

I hope you have enjoyed our blog. Please share your comments, photos, drawings and ideas in the Comments section or send us an email at  We’ll share these with all your nursery friends.

Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs Ross Mrs AC    Mrs Kay   Mrs Laing

Miss Crichton   Mrs Cunningham   Miss Allen     Mrs Beat     Miss Stevenson














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