Newport Nursery Summer Term: 4 Play on Pedals

We would like to say hello to all our Newport nursery families and we hope to see you all very soon.

In this weeks blog we thought it would be great to focus on Play on Pedals at home. The weather has been mild and we are now getting some much needed sunshine so let’s put on our helmets and get some fresh air.

Riding a bicycle or balance bike is a great way to get exercise and have lots of fun. Mums, dads, brothers and sisters can join in with their bicycles and maybe even learn some new moves too!  Play on Pedals or POP for short, also links in with our learning outcomes in the children’s PLJ’S. There are a variety of themes and we will be sharing some with you today.

Mrs Kay and her family exploring the woods at Tentsmuir Forest.


Mr AC and Luke riding their bikes on the Lade Braes.


This chart shows us how to be safe when we are out riding our bikes.


Can you see what Mrs Kay is wearing to keep her safe?

Here’s another sticky kids workout 3 video to keep you fit and healthy in you have to stay indoors.

Sticky Kids Workout Podcast


Road Safety

When you’re out and about for your daily exercise, keep your eyes open and see if you can spot any of these signs.


Can you spot the difference between the two bikes?


Mr Kay and Ruby doing bike maintenance









Mrs AC Gears and chains

Can you find the large, medium and smallest?


We would like to share some ideas from Play on Pedals that you can use to help your child with their hand eye coordination, balance and confidence. These themes include control and steering, balance and control, pedalling, helmet heads and saddle me up.




Here are some songs that you can join in and sing along with.


We hope that you found this blog about play on pedals informative and fun!  We miss you all very much and would love to see what you’re doing at home.  Please share your comments and requests in the Comments section or send us an email at

Please feel free to  share photographs, drawings, your experiences and  ideas.  Remember if you are sending us anything, you are giving us permission to share these on our Blog.

Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs A-C, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross,

Mrs Cunningham, Miss Stevenson, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Crichton

Message Gallery

Ellie and her Mum surprised Mrs Kay.  Mrs Kay was delighted!

Mrs Laing was happy to meet Annabelle and her family who were out for a walk.  Annabelle has been learning to draw people.  What a fabulous achievement!

Mrs Kay went for a cycle to Newport and she spotted a lovely piece of artwork.


What a fabulous rainbow Olivia H.





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