Newport Nursery Summer Term 2 Keeping Happy and Healthy

Welcome back to our Newport Nursery Blog. To start today’s new style Blog, we’d like to share a few video clips with you. Just press play!  Why not join in with us!


Theme: Keeping Happy and Happy

Over the next few weeks, we are going to create Blogs which have special fun activities linked to special Themes.

Daily physical exercise is important not only for our bodies but our minds also.

Here’s the first Sticky Kids Workout which features favourite songs and rhymes.  Why not send us a photograph of you exercising?

Sticky Kids Workout 1. Press play a couple of times until it goes green!


Cosmic Kids on YouTube provides a variety of activities to help support your Health and Wellbeing.

Here is a mindfulness activity which helps you to explore your feelings and emotions.

Whilst being at home and staying local for our daily exercise, we have been keeping ourselves, families and pets healthy by going on walks, cycles and runs in our local area as well as admiring our local wildlife and nature.  We’ve all had amazing adventures!

We have found a  Cosmic Kids Yoga adventure involving a Troll.  Can you go on the adventure with the Troll?  Which part of the adventure did you enjoy the most?


Reading helps your brain and imagination to develop.  It teaches you about language and emotions, and strengthens relationships with your family.

Here’s a lovely story about a boy who takes a beautiful sandwich to the park.  Find out what happens to the boy’s beautiful sandwich.  The story is shared by Sharon, part of our Fife Libraries Team. Highlight and point to the link.

What was your favourite part of the story?

Can you make a special sandwich?

Can you draw a picture of a disgusting sandwich?

We have all been enjoying special family time.  How do the Gruff family help each other?

Can you go for a shape hunt in your home, garden and whilst out on your daily exercise? How many shapes did you find?

The Wildlife Trusts provides lots of good ideas for the whole family when exploring the great outdoors. Have a look at our Newport PS Twitter page for other ideas. Here are some activities you could explore at home.

We hope you have enjoyed our Keeping Happy and Healthy Themed Blog.

Please use the Comments feature on this Blog or send us a message to

Your thoughts and opinions are important to us.

Please feel free to  share photographs, drawings, your experiences and  ideas.  Remember if you are sending us anything, you are giving us permission to share these on our Blog.

Have you got any special Themes, stories or songs/rhymes you wish us to explore?

Message Gallery

Ella wishes to say hello to all her friends and misses everyone dearly.

Here are some special moments, experiences and achievements she would like to share with us.  Thank you.

Creative pictures by Ada. Thank you for sharing your inspiring pieces.

We miss spending time with each and everyone of you in our Nursery so let’s bring the fun, creativity and  investigations to our Blog! Let’s keep connected.

Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs AC, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross,

Mrs Cunningham, Miss Stevenson, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Crichton

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