
All learners at Newport have a Glow account and use it regularly for a variety of learning tasks.

What is Glow?

Glow is a digital environment for learning that is available across Scotland. Glow is funded by the Scottish Government and presents schools with a purpose built digital learning solution which supports the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence.

What does Glow provide?

Glow provides a username and password that provides single sign-on access to many web services and resources that can be used in an education context.

Glow offers Microsoft Office 365, WordPress blogs, Wikispaces for creating wikis and an Adobe Connect broadcasting service, amongst others.

Glow helps learners to benefit from social and collaborative tools and services in a safe online space through the use of technologies that are already embedded in daily lives.

Who is it for?

All Scotland’s learners and teachers have access to Glow via their school or local authority. Glow accounts are available to all schools and education establishments across Scotland, including independent schools and teacher education colleges/universities.

Why use digital technologies in learning

Using digital technologies provides the flexibility to allow learning to take place anytime, anywhere and on any device. Education Scotland is committed to shaping and creating a thriving digital learning culture at home as well as in school. It is recognised that there are a wide range of options for using digital technologies to support learning and encourage schools to develop their teaching practice to incorporate the use of digital technologies.

Click here to access the Glow login page. 

 All children should be aware of their own login and password details.

If you have any queries regarding Glow, please contact Miss Allan at school.