Welcome to Primary 7 class page – Miss Green
This week in Primary 7,
We have been studying add and subtract word problems whilst others have been dividing and multiplying decimals by 10,100 and 1000 or adding and subtracting 10 to numbers up to 10,000. Some of us put a decimals jigsaw back together by solving problems. We have also been spending some time practising our mental maths using Beat That grids. Watch the video below to see our crazy conga line we do before completing our grids!
This week we have continued writing descriptive diary entries, focusing on descriptive vocabulary and impressive connectives and openers. We have continued to look at homophones where we revised there, their and they’re before learning about the difference between your and you’re.
C.P.S Good news – W.C.20.9.21
This weeks sway was made by Reilly, Matthew, Arslaan and Freya.
Exciting news to start this weeks sway!
We have appointed our new P7 House and Vice-Captains, as well as our School Ambassadors and Junior Leaders.
See pictures of them below.
Bishop House and Vice-Captains
Brooke – House Captain
Matthew – Vice-Captain
Benarty House and Vice-Captains
Jessica – House Captain
Cara – Vice-House Captain
Falkland House and Vice-Captains
Aivah – House Captain
Daniel – Vice-House Captain
School Ambassador
Junior Leaders
Rainbow Room
This week in the rainbow room the children have enjoyed helping develop our outdoor music area. The children have discovered the various sounds that each component makes and have explored how their voices change when holding the music tins up to their face and singing/speaking into them.
A.M session have been working together to create elaborate constructions using blocks and loose parts.
P.M session has been experimenting with the musical instruments keeping to the beat as they sang different songs and rhymes.
Our rhyme of the moment is “5 currant buns”.
“My favourite song is incy wincy spider” – Sienna
Primary 1 – Mrs Mitchell
– We have been consolidating our s, a, t, p, i, n phonics sounds this week. We are beginning to grow in confidence with recognising and saying these sounds through fun activities! We are reading the story ‘Our Class is a Family’ this week and enjoying listening to stories and sharing ideas.
– We have been working more on our numbers within 10. Some of us have been counting within 5, some of us have been sequencing within 5 and some of us have been sequencing within 10. We are enjoying learning about numbers and are going to be looking at shape and colour patterns soon!
Health & Wellbeing
– We developed our underarm and overarm throwing skills more this week through aiming at a ‘x’ target on the wall. We demonstrated strength in throwing and resilience during this!
– We were learning about ‘high’ and ‘low’ sounds this week. We listened to some familiar songs we may have heard on the TV/radio and shared our ideas about whether the singer was high or low in tone. We also shared how the songs made us feel.
– We are enjoying learning through play. We have been spending a lot of time being imaginative and creative through building with different types of blocks this week!
Primary 2/1 – Mrs Holness and Mrs Corfield
Another fun filled week in Primary 2/1! Our learning journey is moving rapidly now that we are all settled! We have become very skilled at being the audience and using our listening ears when we need to – super!
This week in literacy we have really been focusing on sounds that go into our words. We can recognise that the sounds we make with our voices are represented by letters. We have practised squishing sounds together with our voices and comparing this to written words, and we have also been looking at words and pulling them apart to find the sounds that go into them. This is really helping with our developing skills in reading and writing! We worked around the book ‘The Lion Inside’, which delivered the lovely message of being true to yourself. We looked at the sound ‘m’ and the digraph ‘ng’. We have been truly aMaziNG!
Numeracy and Maths:
In numeracy, we were looking at number bonds to 10 and 20 using Numicon. We really enjoyed the practical side of seeing the numbers that need to glue together to make 10! We were also still developing our knowledge of number sequencing and ordering and identifying patterns in missing numbers. We looked at the formation of the number 8 – quite possibly the trickiest number to write – and we played a game of Bingo to practise writing and recognising numerals. We were also learning about shape, how to identify shapes, and how to recognise their features.
In health and wellbeing, we are really concentrating on how our actions can affect others. We are examining how it feels to make someone happy, and how it feels to make someone sad. We met Tommy and Tina the toothbrushes. We said lots of kind things to Tina, and every time we said something kind to her we squeezed out some toothpaste. We said some really unkind things to Tommy, and each time we said something unkind, we squeezed out some toothpaste. When we realised how much we had hurt his feelings, we tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube. This correlation was to recognise that when we say unkind things to hurt someone, we can’t put them back in the tube as if they never happened, even after we have said ‘sorry’. We went on to make emotion plates to see how we felt after Mrs Holness whispered something kind to us!
Primary 3 – Mrs Gordon and Mrs Allan
Primary 3 have had fun reading for enjoyment this week, sharing books with friends, talking about their likes and dislikes and forming opinions on the stories and characters. We continue to love our trips to ICT and we’re using these to practise what we are learning in class. This week we used Education City to help us practise our new knowledge of polygons in Maths.
We are enjoying Mrs Allan’s “What’s Wrong?” challenges. They’re fab for thinking skills, talking and listening and we are also writing about this picture this week. Can you tell what’s wrong?
Primary 4 – Mrs Harden
P4 pupils were proud of themselves when they achieved medals and a trophy for their dance achievements. Lots of hard work and practice paid off.
The pupils have been very creative with their ideas when engaged in ‘Loose Parts Play’ activities. They shared that there have been warriors in our midst, that the children had to cross the sea to escape, pine cones were used for a gaming station, a den was built… The list was endless.
We would also like to give you a snapshot of a song that we’ve been practising using sign language. ‘Make You Feel My Love’ was sung by different artists but the most recent one was Adele, an English singer-songwriter.
Photos and video to follow.
Primary 5– Miss Hutton and Miss Montgomery
Primary 5 have had another positive week in Term 1. We have been learning about different strategies that can help us deepen our understanding of what we are reading. One of these strategies has been ‘Visualisation’ where we imagined we were stepping into our reading books and thinking about what we could see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. We really enjoyed this task and will be doing more of this in the next few weeks. Every Friday we do our P5 Spelling Show which is a chance for us to showcase our wonderful spelling skills!
In Numeracy, we have continued with our focus on place value and addition.
In PE, we have learnt new games that develop our listening skills and practised our ball skills.
Primary 6 – Mrs Quantick
This week we are continuing with our focus on setting for writing. The whole class are working on including WOW words and openers in their writing. In grammar we are continuing to brush up our dictionary skills.
Next week we will be focusing on finishing off our addition work and will begin to learn different subtraction strategies. We are continuing to learn about spreadsheets and are linking it to what we have learned in data handling.
P6 have really enjoyed learning more about coding. This week we built up what we learned last week and tried to make a storyboard. This was easier said than done but I’ve been impressed with the pupil’s resilience and the fact that they haven’t given up when its got challenging.
Most of the class are finishing off their Europe leaflets and North America landscape posters. We have also used an atlas to identify capital cities.