Yesterday we went on a walk over the Forth Road Bridge, and today we talked about all the water that we saw flowing under the bridge.
We watched the video clip in an earlier blog post about saving water and talked about why it was important to save water.
“I know that the water comes down as rain, goes into the drains and then goes out to the sea.” (CR)
Why do we need to save water?
- Because if we have no water there will be nowhere for the fish and the sharks to live. (MC).
- If people use too much water there will be no more water for people to have and we will have nothing to drink. (KC).
- If you use too much water there will be no water to have a bath and a shower. SW.
- There will be no water for the earth to live. (SF).
- If you don’t have any water you will get dehydrated. (RB)
- Animals need to drink as well to give us meat and milk. (MC).
There seems to be loads of water – why do we need to worry about running out?
- We could still run out because there are loads and loads of people who need water! (RB)
- Lots of the water isn’t clean enough for us to drink. (RB)
- You can drink the water out of your tap. (RS)
What can we do to save water?
- Could you melt down ice to make water? (EM)
- Just take a wee bit of a drink and save the rest for later (CR)
- Turn the tap off when you don’t need it (RK).
- Turn the tap off when you have been using it (CR)
- Only use a half cup (JH).
- We could have a quick shower instead of a bath to use less water (JC).
- Use bucket rather than a hose (RS).