P1 – Save The Bees!

We are learning all about Minibeasts in P1 at the moment.

This week we are finding out all about Bees and how important they are for our world.

What we know about bees?

TC – Bees eat honey

HD – IF you are naughty to them they will sting you.

LHF – If you touch them they will sting you.

ED – If you touch them they bite and they buzz.

LL – Bees have honey. They make a home. They eat honey. When you be nice to them they go around you.

JP – If you stand on them they sting you.

Do bees want to sting you?

LM – No – because they want to you be friends with them.

HH – When the bee stings you it dies!

We watched a film about an important job that bees do…

What is the job of the bees?

KD – The bees help the flowers grown.

LL – It can make any fruit grow – apple, peach, pear or orange!

We know now that they take POLLEN from one flower to another.

EA – It is stuck to their legs!

If the bees die, what will happen?

BD – We won’t be able to grow and fruit or flowers.

LS – We wouldn’t have any food,

KD – We would be hungry.

What can we do to help?

RS – Not squash them

BD – We need to make pollen for them.

We are going to plant some special ‘Happy Bee’ plants in our P1 garden.

What will we do if bees come to our garden?

HH – We will see them – we wont be scared.

LL – We will say welcome bees!

BD – We won’t pick the flowers – we will let them grow.

New Year – New Stage!

Hello ‘Making Good Choices’ Readers!

Welcome to the new academic year. I am now teaching a fantastic group of P1 children – aged 4 and 5 years old.

We will be starting off our ‘Making Good Choices’ work by making a connection with our ‘Minibeasts’ topic. We are going to learn all about BEES! and their importance for a sustainable future.

Mrs J x