We are excited about Red Nose Day today and we are wearing our pyjamas and having a Comedy Gig to raise money and celebrate the day. But we wanted to take a moment to think about why it is a good choice to raise money for Comic Relief and what it helps people to do…
What is Red Nose Day for?
- KC – RND helps raise money for people to live and helps them be so happy.
- KA-H – It is so people get food.
- JH – We raise money so that people can get food and water.
- JW – Not dirty water – the clean kind that people can drink. The good water.
- LC – You raise money.
- AA – It helps people get healthy.
- KL – They need food to help them eat.
We watched this video about Adoja and Sharifa…
Why does she want to go to school so much?
- CS – To make good choices.
- KA-H – To learn.
- KC – To help her know what life is about in school.
- JW – To learn numbers.
- JC – To learn stuff.
- LC – To write.
- SW – How to count.
- AA – To get healthy food.
- RB – To learn skills.
Why is it important to know all these things?
- KL – to get better.
- JC – To get smart and to get money for food. If you are smart you get money. You can go to work.
- KC – She wants to get better at knowing more stuff.
We made posters showing all the reasons that it is important to go to school!
What is stopping the little girl from going to school?
- EM – She actually had a job. It wasnt a good job.
- RB – She was selling charcoal – it is something that starts a fire.
- CS – If they didnt sell charcoal the family wouldnt get any money.
What can Comic Relief do to help?
Comic Relief says…
“Teachers at a kindergarten run by Street Girls Aid urged Adjoa to send her daughter to regular lessons. The young girl was already behind in her education and they said if Adjoa did not have enough money to cover lunch fees, books or uniform, they would not turn her away. The project is the local partner of Street Child Africa, which receives money raised through Red Nose Day to support parents and provide good quality early years teaching to children who would not otherwise be in school.”
At the end of our discussion P2A felt really proud that we had been able to do something in our school to raise money to help other children around the world go to school just like we do. What a great way to use a Friday morning!
Wow, great work P2a – such a lot of information. I’m really proud that you were able to help others at the same time as learning and having fun – great Friday
Well done P2B – fantastic poster!
P2A I should say – sorry!