Lundin Mill Primary School

School Improvement Planning

We work together with our stake holders to evaluate the work we do in school and plan together to create our school improvement priorities.

Here you’ll find attached a copy of our School Improvement Plan.

Lundin Mill
Primary & Nursery School
Standards & Quality Report

Successes & Achievements
A vital part of the success and achievement of Lundin Mill Primary & Nursery School comes from
the active and supportive role that parents and the wider community play, e.g. supporting school
performances and events, sport’s day, Christmas concerts, open afternoons and church visits.
Last session was a particularly busy time as we had the 50Th Anniversary commemorations which
the past and present community enjoyed reminiscing. Kirkton of Largo church continued to
support the school through inviting all the children to their 400th Picnic celebration and to
decorate the ten Christmas trees. As have Largo Communities Together by involving children in
art competitions, beach cleans, discovery walks and their Big Picnic on the common. The children
performed for our visitors from the French town of Villene-Sur-Sienne to celebrate their twinning
with Lundin Links, Lower and Upper Largo was amazing. Learning French in school now has a
real purpose which motivated our senior children to write in French to their local school children.
All staff worked on developing inclusive learning environments to try to ensure all learner’s needs
are accommodated. All classes have a calm corner and resources that will support all kinds of
learning. All teachers used the refreshed Fife Council Progressive Pathways to plan. This supports
the solid foundation skills that enable further learning and application of knowledge and skills.
Mrs Connor and Miss Hazel worked with parents to create a Communication Policy for Lundin Mill
which has been distributed.

Mrs Adam worked with all classes and parents to refresh our
school vision, values and aims. This supported an updated
Curriculum Rationale for Lundin Mill, which provides insight
into the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence and how the
children have opportunity to experience and lead different
types of learning. (ready to be distributed to all Lundin Mill


Some teachers developed their approaches to teaching writing after taking part in professional
learning to improve the outcomes for their learners. This was successful in P4 and P7.
Mrs Wyer supported our learners understanding about children’s rights and also developed an
anti-bullying policy together with the children. Our PupilWise survey results were different to our
ParentWise results.

SIMOA (Care Inspectorate Initiative – Safe, Inspect, Monitor, Observe, Act) supported our nursery
children learn about keeping themselves safe inside and outside. The children would also take
SIMOA, the purple elephant home at the weekend. This showed their families how SIMOA helps
the children assess risks for themselves. e.g. wearing seatbelts in the car and having child safety
seats. This was a very successful initiative, so much so that the Care Inspectorate published an
article on how Lundin Mill Nursery were developing SIMOA in their News letter that goes out to
all care establishments in Scotland.

Wider Achievements are celebrated throughout the school, children share their out of school
successes in class and sometimes at assembly too. There are many successes and achievements
celebrated from our nursery children taking part in BookBug sessions at the local library to our
P7s fund raising for their end of school, Big Day Out! Our transitions from playgroup to nursery
were successful as were our nursery to P1 and our P7 to S1 at Waid.
If we know about a child’s successes out of school we will share and many of our children and
young people are very successful and achieve lots on an individual and team basis. Our children
attend many after school clubs and there is lots of talent at Lundin Mill.

The Pupil Equity Funds granted to Lundin Mill support us to keep the costs down for families, e.g.
we bought in a panto using pupil equity funding and this also paid for buses to the church events.
ICT programmes e.g. Sumdog (numeracy), Nessy (literacy, dyslexia) and Seesaw (class
communications) subscriptions are also supported by PEF along with keeping our netbook stock
refreshed. These funds also secure more hours for our Pupil Support Staff which helps us support
children with intervention groups. e.g. children struggling socially and emotionally e.g. Kitbag,
Kimochis or our Breakfast Club, which supports children who find the transition from home to
school difficult. Or the Walking bus to support reducing the traffic congestion around the school.

Learning Partnership review took place during November 2023.
Identified strengths
• learners were able to access resources and supports independently
• learners that required additional support were well supported by adults in class
• planned improvements for Nursery to P1 transitions were evident as well as
improvements to the nursery environment
Areas for Improvement/Planned Next Steps
• ensure inclusive classrooms and learning are consistent from one class to the other
• differentiation is planned for by promoting higher order thinking and high quality,
effective feedback is given to improve outcomes in learning
• digital resources used in all classes to enhance the learning experiences

Improvement Priorities for Lundin Mill – 2024-25

Education Directorate Improvement Plan: Health & Wellbeing / Equality & Equity
Priority 1
a. Create Positive Relationship & Behaviour Policy for Lundin Mill Nursery & Primary school.
b. Embed Lundin Mill’s Bullying Policy by exploring protected characteristics through a focus
on Equalities and Diversity.
c. P1 children to apply their understanding of SIMOA (Care Inspectorate initiative) to show
how they assess risk in their new P1 learning environment.

Education Directorate Improvement Plan: Achievement / Health & Wellbeing
Priority 2
a. Plan a progressive curriculum for all children across 8 curriculum areas ensuring all
receive their entitlement to a broad general education.
b. Ensure all learning environments support inclusive learning and collaborative working.
c. Engage in professional learning to develop and enhance their approaches to learning,
teaching & assessment to ensure high quality learning experiences for all children.
d. Use benchmarks for all curriculum areas to measure children’s progress and achievements
of a level across the broad general education using a range of assessment evidence to
inform professional judgements and to record in PROGRESS, tracking system.
e. Digital technology to support and enhance LTA experiences and outcomes.

Education Directorate Improvement Plan: Achievement / Attendance & Engagement
Priority 3
a. Self-evaluate our nursery environment to make improvements to raise attainment in
b. All children will experience learning in a literacy rich environment.
c. All EYOs will moderate their assessment evidence against early level literacy benchmarks.
d. All EYOs will plan to close learning gaps and provide challenge at an appropriate pace.
Pupil Equity Fund

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