Lundin Mill Primary School

Communication Policy

As a school it is vital that we communicate regularly with our children, their families and our local community.

Children, parents and teachers shared their views and ideas and together they created a communication policy.

Teachers are governed by the General Teaching Council’s (Scotland) Code of Professionalism and Conduct; however, all school staff are expected to be approachable and communicate with everyone effectively:

We have high expectations regarding the conduct of staff when communicating and we respectfully ask that everyone reciprocates.

We hope to provide direction and guidance to ensure there is no confusion and that all our communications are purposeful and timely.

The school uses various channels of communication and we have been trialling different ways to see what method works best. From feedback, there is not one way that fits all. Some prefer Group Call email, while others prefer the Seesaw App, which is partly funded by Fife Council, and some prefer good old-fashioned paper copies. Therefore, we have concluded we need them all in some shape and form to capture everyone, so we apologise in advance for duplicates but this ensures we reach everyone.

Group Call is used by the school office to email communications to all parents and specifically when there are attachments that we are asked to send out by different agencies. There are no charges for emails, however Group Call texts are at a cost. Therefore, we only text to enquire why your child is absent from school


When your child is absent please e-mail or phone the school to let us know.

Every class at Lundin Mill has a Seesaw page.

Seesaw is a secure online learning journal which allows parents/carers to get an insight into what happens in the classroom. This can be through photographs of your child in class, their work or learning tasks being uploaded for homework.

Seesaw also provides a safe online platform for teachers to communicate with parents and carers, whether on a class or individual basis.

To ensure Seesaw enriches communications between home and school we worked with parents and agreed on the following framework.

Fife Council’s SEESAW Guidance for Schools is available at the school office


Diary Dates and Newsletter

At the start of each session, we will try and send out dates regarding planned events at the school. This will support parents/carers to book specific dates off their work well in advance.

Each term diary dates and news will be sent out as a paper copy and by email or sway. This will include:

  • a recap of the previous term
  • Headteacher update with any current messages/news
  • any important changes within the school e.g. staffing, changes to days for teacher’s non-contact times or PE
  • any upcoming dates for your diary

An update from each class recapping their previous learning and giving details of their new learning will be distributed through Seesaw.


  • If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office before 10am.
  • If your child has an appointment, please let us know their expected time of arrival at school and whether they will be having a school lunch, by 9.30 please. This gives us time to inform the kitchen.
  • If you are going on holiday please hand in a letter or send an email to the school office, stating the dates your child will be absent from school. School is not obligated to provide work for when your child is on holiday. Therefore, we suggest that your child keeps a holiday journal. This is an excellent way for your child to apply their knowledge and skills as this will show their learning while on holiday.
  • The Scottish Government expect at least 95% attendance for each pupil. The HT reports attendance figures termly to the school’s Education Manager and Parent Council. Attendance percentages will be shared with parents/carers during their meetings in September and March.


Mobile Phones and Electronics in Class

We understand that mobile phones and smart watches are a means for you to communicate with your child, especially if they are walking to school alone. However, we find them a huge distraction to learning in class and from past experiences it is not safe for them to be used unsupervised in the playground.  We ask that if you want to communicate with your child between the hours of 9.00 and 3.00 that you do so by contacting the school office. At Lundin Mill the expectation is that all devices are switched off, collected and stored in the school office. No child will have access to their phones or watches during the school day. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.

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