- As a school we are promoting being a part of #Teamweewesties and we want to instil a sense of pride in being part of a great school team. We seek to promote a smart and uniformed dress code which encourages a positive ethos and sense of belonging to the school.
- We believe that wearing full school dress also promotes:
– self-discipline and the fostering of positive attitudes to school
– improved security within school and on excursions
– reduction in bullying and victimisation from peer pressure to wear fashion items
– assistance for parents in terms of economic and practical issues
- It is expected that parents/carers will give full backing to the school in promoting the wearing of correct school uniform. All pupils should take a pride in identifying with the school. Expectations about student dress apply to attendance at sports fixtures and excursions organised by the school or where a pupil is representing the school.
We have a range of school uniform available from the school office for you to try and buy.
If you require help with clothing please click HERE to apply for a clothing grant