Learning intentions
My Body/Names of parts of my body
• Children learn the correct names for parts of their body, including male and female genitalia, and their functions.
- Explains about own and others’ needs for privacy.
- Articulates the right to respond to inappropriate behaviours, for example, using the 3-step model: say no, go away, talk to someone you trust.
- Identifies who to talk to if worried or concerned.
Looking after plants and animals
1. Looking after plants
• Children learn where plants (fruit and vegetables) come from and how they grow and develop.
• Children learn what animals (pets) need to grow and develop.
2. Learning about life cycles
3. Looking after pets
• Children learn that all living things grow and change.
• Children learn that all living things need to be cared for and nurtured.
• Children begin to relate their learning to their own development and growth.
Lesson Resources
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