Internet Safety Policy

This policy is based on and complies with Fife Council policy on Acceptable Use of the Internet


In Hill Of Beath Primary School we believe that the Internet and other digital technologies are very powerful resources which can enhance and potentially transform teaching and learning when used effectively and appropriately.  The Internet is an essential element of 21st century life for education, business and social interaction.  This school provides pupils with opportunities to use the excellent resources on the Internet, along with developing the skills necessary to access, analyse and evaluate them.

Fife Council guidelines states that:

It is vital that we develop in children skills and attitudes that equip them for our increasingly technological society. To do this we all have to work within a framework which allows for safety and security.”

This document sets out the policy and practices for the safe and effective use of the Internet in Hill Of Beath Primary School.  The policy has been drawn up by the staff of the school under the leadership of the Head Teacher & ICT teacher.

The policy and its implementation will be reviewed regularly.


Code of Safe Practice

When using the Internet, email systems and digital technologies, all users must comply with all relevant legislation on copyright, property theft, libel, fraud, discrimination and obscenity. The Code of Safe Practice for Hill Of Beath Primary School makes explicit to all users (staff and pupils) what is safe and acceptable and what is not.

The scope of the Code covers fixed and mobile Internet; school PCs, laptops, netbooks and digital video equipment.  It should also be noted that the use of devices owned personally by staff and pupils but brought onto school premises (such as mobile phones, camera phones, tablets) is subject to the same requirements as technology provided by the school.

The ICT teacher will monitor the effectiveness of the Code of Practice, particularly in the light of new developments in technology.


Code of Practice for pupils

Pupil access to the Internet is through a filtering system, which should ensure educational use made of resources is safe and secure, while protecting users and systems from abuse. Filtering software is updated on a regular basis. Parental permission is sought from parents before pupils access the Internet.


In addition, the following key measures have been adopted by Hill Of Beath Primary School to ensure our pupils do not access any inappropriate material:

  • The school’s Code of Practice for use of the Internet and other digital technologies is made explicit to all pupils and is displayed prominently;
  • Our Code of Practice is reviewed each school year and signed by pupils/parents;
  • Pupils using the Internet will normally be working in highly-visible areas of the school;
  • All online activity is for appropriate educational purposes and is supervised, where possible;
  • Pupils  will, where possible, use sites pre-selected by the teacher and appropriate to their age group;
  • Pupils are educated in the safe and effective use of the Internet, through a number of selected programmes. The use of mobile phones by pupils is not normally permitted on the school premises during school hours, unless in exceptional circumstances, where permission may be granted by a member of staff.


Incidents of technology misuse which arise will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s discipline policy. Minor incidents will be dealt with by the Head Teacher and may result in a temporary or permanent ban on Internet use. Incidents involving child protection issues will be dealt with in accordance with school child protection procedures.


Code of practice for staff

Staff have agreed to the following Code of Safe Practice:

  • Pupils accessing the Internet should supervised by an adult at all times.
  • All pupils are aware of the rules for the safe and effective use of the Internet. These are displayed in classrooms and discussed with pupils.
  • All pupils using the Internet have written permission from their parents.
  • Recommended websites for each year group are available under “Favourites”. Any additional websites used by pupils should be checked beforehand by teachers to ensure there is no unsuitable content and that material is age-appropriate.
  • Deliberate/accidental access to inappropriate materials or any other breaches of the school code of practice should be reported immediately to the HT/ICT teacher.
  • In the interests of system security, staff passwords should only be shared with the network manager.
  • Teachers should be aware of copyright and intellectual property rights and should be careful not to download or use any materials which are in breach of these.
  • Photographs of pupils should, where possible, be taken with a school camera and images should be stored on a centralised area on the school network, accessible only to teaching staff.


Internet Safety Awareness

In Hill Of Beath Primary School we believe that, alongside having a written safety policy and code of practice, it is essential to educate all users in the safe and effective use of the Internet and other forms of digital communication.  In education, we see ‘appropriate, effective and safe use’ as an essential element of the school curriculum.  This education is as important for staff and parents as it is for pupils.

Internet Safety Awareness for pupils

Rules for the Acceptable use of the Internet are discussed with all pupils and are prominently displayed in classrooms.  In addition, pupils follow a structured programme of Internet Safety Awareness using a range of online resources.


Internet Safety Awareness for staff

The ICT teacher keeps herself informed and updated on issues relating to Internet Safety and attends regular courses.  This training is then disseminated to all teaching staff, classroom assistants and supervisory assistants on a regular basis.


Internet Safety Awareness for parents

The Internet Safety Policy and Code of practice for pupils is sent home for parental signature.  Internet safety leaflets for parents and carers are available in school at all times.


Health and Safety

Hill Of Beath Primary School have attempted, on so far as possible, to ensure a safe working environment for pupils and teachers using ICT resources. Pupils are supervised at all times when Interactive Whiteboards and Digital Projectors are being used.


Digital and Video Images of Pupils

Parental permission is sought to cover the use of photographs of pupils on the school website, in the local press and for displays etc within school and written permission must be obtained from parent/carer.


School Website

Our school website promotes and provides up to date information about the school, as well as giving pupils an opportunity to showcase their work and other aspects of school life.  In order to minimise risks of any images of pupils on the school website being used inappropriately the following steps are taken:

  • Group photos are used where possible, with general labels/captions;
  • Names and images are kept separate – if a pupil is named their photograph is not used and vice-versa;
  • The website does not include home addresses, telephone numbers, personal e-mails or any other personal information about pupils or staff.

Storage of images

Digital and video images of pupils are, where possible, taken with school equipment.  Images are stored on a centralised area on the school network, accessible only to school staff.


Social Software

Chatrooms, blogs and other social networking sites are blocked by filtering software so pupils do not have access to them in the school environment. However, we regard the education of pupils on the safe and responsible use of social software, as vitally important and this is addressed through our Internet Safety Education for pupils. Instances of cyber bullying of pupils or staff will be regarded as very serious offences and dealt with according to the school’s discipline policy and child protection procedures. Pupils are aware that any misuse of mobile phones/websites/email should be reported to a member of staff immediately.


Parental agreement

Having read the school’s Internet acceptable use policy parents are asked to complete and return a permission form and user agreement on behalf of their child. This is available from the Office and will be given to all new pupils upon entry to the school.


Points for Parents to Consider:

It is important to promote Internet Safety in the home and to monitor Internet use.

  1. Take an interest in what children are doing.  Discuss with the children what they see and why they are using the Internet.
  2. Monitor on-line time and be aware of excessive hours spent on the Internet.
  3. Advise children to take care and to use the Internet in a sensible and responsible manner. Know the SMART tips.
  4. Discuss the fact that there are websites which are unsuitable.
  5. Discuss how children can respond to unsuitable material/requests.
  6. Tell children never to give their personal information on the Internet.
  7. Remind children that people they chat to on-line may not be who they say.
  8. Discuss the danger of arranging to meet someone they have met online.
  9. Be aware that children may be using the Internet in places other than in their own home or at school.




Hill Of Beath Primary School does not advocate the use of mobile phones by children in school or on trips.

Be aware of the safety issues regarding mobile phones.  Increasingly these may have Internet access.

Encourage children to talk about how they use mobile phones.  Remind children not to give mobile numbers to strangers and people they do not know very well.  Talk about responsible use of text messaging.

Points for Children to Consider

Follow These SMART TIPS

Secret – always keep your name, address, mobile phone number and password private – it’s like giving out the keys to your home!

Meeting someone you have contacted in cyberspace can be dangerous.  Only do so with your parent’s/carer’s permission, and then when they can be present.

Accepting e-mails or opening files from people you don’t really know or trust can get you into trouble – they may contain viruses or nasty messages.

Remember someone on-line may be lying and not be who they say they are.  Stick to the public areas in chat rooms and if you feel uncomfortable simply get out of there!

Tell your parent or carer if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.


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