All posts by Miss Malcolm

Boomix with the Beano!

Pupils from our Ash school house had a special treat for winning the house cup last term – a visit to the Lochgelly Centre to meet the team behind the Beano. We helped create Beano issue ‘one billion and one’, came up with ideas for a new Beano baddie and learnt how to use different strategies to tell a story – it was lots of fun…

Pupils from our Ash school house had a special treat for winning the house cup last term – a visit to the Lochgelly Centre to meet the team behind the Beano. We helped create Beano issue ‘one billion and one’, came up with ideas for a new Beano baddie and learnt how to use different strategies to tell a story – it was lots of fun…

Itchy Coo Edinburgh Festival Event

Matthew Fitt invited Hill of Beath Primary School to take part in Itchy Coo’s 20th ‘Big Birthday Hoolie’ at the Edinburgh Book Festival. P7 pupils performed Scots poems with Matthew Fitt and James Robertson, the founders of Itchy Coo, and were joined on-stage by Elaine C. Smith. The poems were taken from the first book Itchy Coo published  ‘King O the Midden’. We are very proud of them. #HillofBeathPS #TeamBeath #brawbooksfirbairnsoawages