Week Beginning 14th October 2024


Today we had the opportunity to listen to a story entitled ‘What is recycling?’ on the smart board. Our recycling game was very popular with the majority of children sorting the pictures of rubbish into the correct recycling box.  A few children created a picture of a bin lorry, full of recycled rubbish, using the magnetic shapes to represent their ideas using a variety of resources.🚛
Some ochildren built surf boards in the brick corner, choosing the bricks carefully to replicate the shape of a surf board. and shared their ideas with others whilst demonstrating how to surf 🏄‍♂️ creating lots of discussion whilst developing vocabulary/use of language.



Today we had a group discussion about recycling. We discussed the different coloured recycling bins and what items go into each different coloured bin. We then discussed what happens to the rubbish once it’s been put in the bin lorry and where it goes from there. The children offered their opinions as to where the rubbish goes  and what happens to it – “It goes into a field!” “It gets made into new tins” “It gets made into new paper!” Some children used  an I-pad for inspiration to represent / share their ideas using the paints. Outdoors today we experimented with the hoops how much force was needed to roll the big hoops and the little hoops- Did the big hoops need as much force as the little hoops? Which hoops went further? A few children made and served dinner in the mud kitchen taking on the role of Mum and Dad. “ Here’s your lunch-it’s jambalaya!” Using a wide range of vocabulary during their role play, and to describe the ingredients of lunch.


Today some children explored colour mixing using the paint pens and the liquid paint. They commented on the different textures “It’s runny” “It’s too thick we need to add more water.” A discussion arose about symmetry which resulted in a few children experimenting and creating butterfly pictures. At snack some children discussed how we could recycle the yogurt pots and what we could do with our fruit peelings! At the beach today the majority of the children continued with the recycling theme by being responsible citizens and using the litter pickers to source, and pick up litter to keep our beaches safe for the wildlife. “It’s not safe for the fish” “The birds might eat it and get sick”.


Today some of our children built a campfire and an office using various shaped/sized bricks. Whilst engaging in role/imaginative play the children developed their knowledge of the world of work and also the materials needed to make a campfire. There was lots of creativity, experimenting and problem solving with the magna blocks building lots of 2D and 3D models. Today we also had a time tabled stay and play session during which parents were invited to spend time with their child in nursery to see the types of activities/play their child is engages in during their time at nursery. It also gives parents the opportunity to have quality interactions with their child, take part and enjoy the importance of play.


This morning, some of us have been creating different colours using our hands to become leaves. 🍂 Which lead to discussing what changes we’ve noticed in our environment. A couple of us have developed our creativity skills selecting different materials to create hedgehogs. 🦔  In the music area there was a discussion of our favourite songs 🕷️If you’re happy and you know it was introduced in signalong  🎶 “I’m writing a song and you read it”. Using jugs pouring at different heights one has been exploring the fall of the water, using sensory to explore through splashes.  💦

Week beginning 7th October 2024

Monday  –  Following a child’s interest in movement with scarfs Miss Higgins introduced Kodaly marching along to the beat.  A small group of children joined in marching and skipping to the beat of  Grand old Duke of York, ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle little star. ⭐️  Children selected their own resources for the garden, working together well and risk assessing to keep each other safe.


Tuesday – There was lot’s imaginative play this morning,  a group of children role playing “digging up the road,” another group  used the Doctors kit to role play “ hospitals” they built a hospital using the large wooden blocks “with a track on top  for the ambulances.”Demonstrating their understanding of the world of work and jobs people do. In the garden some children worked well together to create a run using loose parts. They then experimented with the run using different sized balls to find out “which come faster and slower”

Wednesday –  a few of the children helped to set up snack, filling up the milk and water jugs and preparing the fruit and vegetables. Most of the children chose to have snack together. While at snack there was a group discussion where children shared their  thoughts on what makes a  good snack time together.  “ waiting in line to wash our dishes” “ try not waste too  much food “ “we remember to say please and thank you ” “we remember to brush our teeth.” Children’s ideas were made into The snack Rainbow  🌈 sheet and added to the wall in the snack area.

Thursday –  this morning we watched Blippi learns to recycle ♻️ together on the Smartboard in preparation for recycling ♻️ week next week. We set up an experiment 🧪 to see what would happen to different items if we buried them 🍌  🍞 🧴 this represents the landfill situation.  Keep posted to see our results in two weeks time. ♻️

Friday – This morning we had a Bookbug session in nursery. All of the children helped to plan the session, choosing songs 🎶 rhymes 🐠 🕷️ and a story. All of the children then joined in enthusiastically. Most of the children chose to have snack together. In the garden the trampoline and gymnastic bar were very popular. Some adult support to help with turn taking. With adult support a group of children used the printer to print art off they were interested in. 🖼️ Adding their own creative touches to the art. 🎨 🖊️

Ferryport Nursery News 4 October 2024



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 Click this link to meet our staff.

Keeping Connected

Seesaw is the platform we use to communicate with you day to day. If you are experiencing any connection issues, please speak to a member of the team.

We also communicate via our school website blog account!


Please follow us!

**School is closed for the October Break from                                                Monday 7 October – Friday 18 October. **                                                             The Nursery is open as usual.

There is no clerical cover at nursery during the holidays.  The e-mails will not be monitored so if you need to contact us please call the team on: 01334 659495. if there is no answer please leave a message on the answering machine.

  • Monday 14 Oct – 18 Oct –            Recycling Week
  • Stay and Play visits will be offered during the holidays. Please look out for information on Seesaw.
          • Monday 28 Oct – Tempest Photographers will be coming to take                                       Individual Photographs.  More                                                     information to follow.

 Other Information 

Lending Library

Our Lending Library is up and running in the front hall and available to all.

Please can you name your child’s clothing.

Can you ensure you collect your child on time at the end of the session please.

Security: Children should not press the door release button for the front door.


Thank you

The Nursery Team



Week Beginning 30th September 2024


We have been exploring a variety of table top games developing our counting, number recognition and turn taking skills. There has been lots of creativity at the art/craft table using a selection of different coloured, textured materials including paints, fabrics, papers to explore creating pictures, wrapping objects, cutting and glueing – developing hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills whilst sharing/representing their ideas.


Some children created pictures outdoors representing their ideas using lots of different found objects from the garden e.g  sticks, stones, leaves, cones etc.  A few children were pretending to be police officers engaging in role/ imaginative play demonstrating their knowledge of jobs people do. Music has been popular in nursery with several children exploring a variety of different musical instruments experimenting with the different sounds, learning the names and how to hold/play the instruments. Some children also engaged in a Kodaly group time reinforcing rhythmic concepts whilst clapping, singing and marching.



Today some of the children took photos on the I-Pad then used the photos to create their own ‘Chatterpix’ by following both verbal and on screen instructions. Their creations were then shared with their families on See Saw.- developing our knowledge and understanding of technology and explore how we can use them to share information. During our weekly visit to the shore we adhered to our shore charter rules to keep ourselves safe. Some children experimented using different sized and shaped stones/pebbles to see which ones went the furthest the big ones or the small ones and which ones made the biggest splash! We explored making shapes on the shore using our bodies. We developed our language skills, and knowledge of our local environment,  by discussing what we were doing/seeing whilst at the shore.


Today during our gym session the majority of children explored a variety of different gym equipment developing strength, balance, co-ordination through climbing, jumping, balancing, running and sharing space. In nursery several children were experimenting with the powder paints by mixing colours, exploring different consistencies then demonstrating responsibilty by tidying up when finished. Our mud kitchen was very busy outdoors with lots of experimenting using a variety of natural materials that were found/collected in our nursery garden. Developing our language skills and sharing our ideas with one another whilst engaging in role/imaginative play.


Today all children practised our listening skills whilst listening to, and discussing , a social story called ‘What To Do In A Fire Drill.’  All children then practised doing a fire drill “It’s very noisy” “We need to get out.”  All the children did really well 😀. Some of the children designed and created their own bracelets, developing hand/eye co ordination, by choosing which  shape/size of beads they wanted to use – developing our shape recognition and awareness of size. Some children noticed a bush in the garden had some berries on it which prompted a discussion about what was safe to eat in the garden. The children concluded the berries were for the birds🐦‍⬛to eat and not the children! Whilst developing our use of mathematical language a few children used/developed their counting skills to count the steps, whilst chalking numbers 0-11 up one side of the steps and 0-11 down the other side thus further developing our number recognition/awareness.                                                                                                            During todays Bookbug session some children took turns to chose todays story and some other children offered suggestions of their favourite songs and rhymes – developing turn taking skills whilst listening to ‘children’s voice’.


For those of you on holiday now we hope you have a great time and we look forward to hearing all about your holidays when you return to nursery.  Everyone else we hope you have  a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday 😃.

The Ferryport Team 😊

Week Beginning 23rd September 2024

Monday 23rd September

This week is maths week Scotland where we have been exploring all topics relating to maths, developing an understanding through counting, shapes and time. Today some of the children were exploring shapes at the art area creating different pieces of art work. The block was a popular choice  with den building, lots of great team work and negotiating.

Tuesday 24th

Through technology some of the children have been learning all about symmetry and what it means, the interest continued into the art area where they made some symmetrical paintings. The mud kitchen has been busy with children counting out there ingredients that were added to their dishes.


Whilst walking to the beach the moon was spotted. This prompted a discussion on the shape new language of “semi circle” At the beach
Some children were role play of fishing at the beach this lead to a discussion of depth and distance of where it would be best to fish. The children came to the conclusion with sharing their knowledge that far away in the boat would be the deepest and that’s where the fish would be. Some swans swam past us today with their signets.One child discussed being at the top of a “tower” relating to the height of the rock using mathematical language to describe with adult support modelling new language of height.


Today in gym we explored a variety of different number, counting and shaped related activities in keeping with our Maths Week Scotland activities. There was lots of role/imaginative play in our nursery garden today relating to driving and driving licences “ You need a driving licence to drive a car” “We’re driving to McDonalds, do you want to come Mrs W?” “You need to press that and turn this to drive!”  Developing vocabulary/language skills as well as representing and sharing our ideas with others.


Today our Maths Week Scotland activities continued at Book Bug with a variety of number, counting themed songs, stories and rhymes. We explored ‘wrapping’ up different objects at the glueing table using a variety of different materials to both wrap and stick/fix the wrappings- developing our fine motor skills whilst exploring different textures, resources and materials. Outdoors we looked at different shapes within the environment and during our play . We even seen an aeroplane making a circle in the sky.

Ferryport Nursery News 23 September 2024



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 Click this link to meet our staff.

Keeping Connected

Seesaw is the platform we use to communicate with you day to day. If you are experiencing any connection issues, please speak to a member of the team.

We also communicate via our school website blog account!


Please follow us!

  • Monday 23 Sep – 27 Sep – Maths Week Scotland
  • Thursday 26 Sep – European Day of Languages
  • Friday 4 Oct – National Poetry Day
  • Monday 14 Oct – 18 Oct –            Recycling Week

School is closed for the October Break from                                                Monday 7 October – Friday 18 October.                                                              The Nursery is open as usual.

**Please can you return the form that you will receive tomorrow, let a member of staff know or e-mail us at ferryportnur.enquiries@fife.gov.uk to let us know if your child will be absent during the school holidays. This is for catering purposes. Many thanks. **

 Other Information 

Lending Library

Our Lending Library is up and running in the front hall and available to all.

Learning Wall

Our children have been experimenting and estimating with our water wall out in the garden.   

Our discussions this week will be on the subject of “Seasons” now that it is officially Autumn.

Please can you name your child’s clothing.

Can you ensure you collect your child on time at the end of the session please.

Security: Children should not press the door release button for the front door.


Thank you

The Nursery Team

Week Beginning 16th September


The children have been busy in the garden & enjoying the sunshine. They have been very physical with lots of running/hopping/ Skipping. Some children have been busy creating healthy soup in our mud kitchen



The art area has been a popular choice this morning with some very creative designs being created they used a variety of different materials for their design.  Our nursery snack has been developing independence and offers a good selection of healthy foods.


Today we all went for our shore walk for some of the children this was their first time with the nursery. They explored on the rocks allowing the opportunity to risk assess and work out how to keep themselves safe. We found crabs and some beautiful coloured sea glass.


Today we went to the gym where we played with the parachute. We played different games which required listening and following instructions as well as turn taking. We then went to the library for a book bug session, lots of songs involving numeracy and we listened to two stories.


The block area has been busy with some of the children building houses with our large blocks. There was lots of discussion about electricity and how to light the house. In the garden some children joined in playing what’s the time Mr Wolf  developing listening skills and numeracy.


Ferryport Nursery News 16 September 2024



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                  Click this link to meet our staff.


Dates for your Diary

  • Monday 9 Sep – 20 Sep – Anti-Bullying Fortnight
  • Thursday 19 Sep – Library Visit (Bookbug)
  • Friday 20 Sept – Bookbug at Tayport Primary School
  • Friday 20 Sept – School Summer Fete from 6pm**
  • Monday 23 Sep – 27 Sep – Maths Week Scotland
  • Thursday 26 Sep – European Day of Languages
  • Friday 4 Oct – National Poetry Day

**We are looking for a parent volunteer from Ferryport Nursery to help run a stall at the Summer Fete. If you can help at all, please contact a member of the nursery team or phone the office.

School is closed for the October Break from                                              Monday 7 October – Friday 18 October.                                                        The Nursery is open as usual. 


We are delighted that so many of you have signed up for Seesaw. This is our digital platform for sharing information with you about your child.

Please do not use this platform to tell us about any absence –   instead please contact the Nursery office direct by phone or email for this. If you are experiencing any difficulties in accessing Seesaw please let a member of the team know so that we can assist you.

If you want more information about Seesaw, speak to a member of the team or click on this link. Getting started with Seesaw for Families – Seesaw Help Centre

Other Information 

Our Nursery is open from 8.00am

Monday to Friday morning 8.00 am-12.40 pm.                                    Please do not be late to collect your children.

After these times, the children are not insured to be on the premises. If there is a problem, please can you phone ahead.

Snack: Morning  snack is provided by the Nursery so please do notSnacks Clipart - Junk Food Clipart - Fast Food Clipart - Food PNG - Hand Drawn Food send any food or drink. If your child has any specific dietary requirements or allergies please let the Nursery know.

Illness:    If your child is unwell please remember to contact us and keep them at home until they are better, as children need to be fit to cope with an energetic session in Nursery. Health Board recommendations are that children who have been unwell, particularly if with sickness or diarrhoea, need to be kept at home for at least 48 hours since the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea, to prevent the spread of infection. Your co-operation with this is greatly appreciated. 

Wednesdays:   Foreshore (Beach) visits are taking place every week. We are always looking for support to help walk the children safely there and back. If you can assist with walking with your child for these visits can you please let the Team know. The more names we have – the fewer times you would be called upon to help!  There is also a “sign-up” sheet in our front hall.

Thursdays We walk along to school for gym at approximately 9.00am returning approximately 09.50/10.00am.

Nursery Contributions We ask for voluntary contributions of  £1.00 per week.  We ask you to pay this by 3 instalments of £12 and 1 of £13.  Milk and snack are free of charge.

Security: Children should not press the door release button for the front door.


Thank you

The Nursery Team




Week Beginning 9th September 2024

Monday morning we have been looking after our nursery environment by helping to tidy an rearrange our mud kitchen. We have enjoyed “what’s in the bag” sessions in the garden which helps to develop a range of language skills, to share and identify word patterns as well as apply counting on and back skills.

Tuesday Today we have been role playing firefighters after seeing a fire engine go past the nursery. We have introduced our kindness tree which has prompted discussions of different acts kindness. Each act of kindness will be added to our tree. A couple of children recognised a difference in the change of weather which has resulted in creating kites at the art area.

Wednesday At the play dough table  some children have been making flowers, butterflies,  stars and the sun- using numeracy skills to count the decorations for the petals. Outdoors at the mud kitchen some have been role playing “going fishing” to make fish and chips.. Following on from a current interest of making cups of tea, a couple went to our local charity shop to buy some items to be added to our mud kitchen.

Thursday Today at gym we all joined a session of “what’s in the bag?”. We took turns selecting objects from the bag relating to a song/rhyme which allowed us to develop rhythm and movement, follow instructions turn take and share space.

Friday We welcomed back our families to our family Bookbug session enjoying songs, rhymes.  Whilst some children have been in the mud kitchen making “soup” , using different methods to gather natural objects to add.

Week Beginning 2nd September


This week started with lots of role play.
Some of us built police cars with the large blocks and made handcuffs from pipe cleaners to support our play.
“I have a police dog called K9”


Tuesday we played mostly outside.
Some of us used the small blocks to create towers and “McDonalds”!
There was lots of sharing resources with our friends and building resilience when our wonderful creations fall down !

We had a great time being back up in the mud kitchen now that we have new garden steps.
We made cups of tea and chatted about what we like to have with a cup of tea and what our family members like with tea (kitkats apparently!). Lots of great discussions to add to our PLJs 😊.


Wednesday we were busy!
Peter Rabbit computer game is a firm favourite at the moment. We’re practicing directional language and sharing our strategies with our friends.

We are continuing our interest  in construction and engineering with building houses.

”This is a baby house, no grown ups allowed!”.

Working as a team to build and tidy up again. We’re trying hard with our tidying up, some of us find this tricky, but we’re still trying. 😁


Almost all of us spent Thursday morning outside in the garden,  riding the bikes & scooters, playing families in the playhouse, digging in the mud pit, playing in the mud kitchen, and role playing a “Chocolate Town”! Lots of valuable learning, creating, sharing, turn taking, exploring, counting, contextual learning – phew, what a busy morning!

A small group of us even helped Miss Higgins at the shop to buy more flour!


We found different sized/shaped leaves in our nursery garden. We tried some leaf rubbing using various Autumn coloured crayons-developing our knowledge and understanding of the world around us.  The children chose some new musical instruments to add to our outdoor music area – this created lots of discussion re the different sounds the instruments made. “This one’s really noisy 🙉” “We’re a band 🎸🥁🪇”




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