Week Beginning 14th October 2024


Today we had the opportunity to listen to a story entitled ‘What is recycling?’ on the smart board. Our recycling game was very popular with the majority of children sorting the pictures of rubbish into the correct recycling box.  A few children created a picture of a bin lorry, full of recycled rubbish, using the magnetic shapes to represent their ideas using a variety of resources.🚛
Some ochildren built surf boards in the brick corner, choosing the bricks carefully to replicate the shape of a surf board. and shared their ideas with others whilst demonstrating how to surf 🏄‍♂️ creating lots of discussion whilst developing vocabulary/use of language.



Today we had a group discussion about recycling. We discussed the different coloured recycling bins and what items go into each different coloured bin. We then discussed what happens to the rubbish once it’s been put in the bin lorry and where it goes from there. The children offered their opinions as to where the rubbish goes  and what happens to it – “It goes into a field!” “It gets made into new tins” “It gets made into new paper!” Some children used  an I-pad for inspiration to represent / share their ideas using the paints. Outdoors today we experimented with the hoops how much force was needed to roll the big hoops and the little hoops- Did the big hoops need as much force as the little hoops? Which hoops went further? A few children made and served dinner in the mud kitchen taking on the role of Mum and Dad. “ Here’s your lunch-it’s jambalaya!” Using a wide range of vocabulary during their role play, and to describe the ingredients of lunch.


Today some children explored colour mixing using the paint pens and the liquid paint. They commented on the different textures “It’s runny” “It’s too thick we need to add more water.” A discussion arose about symmetry which resulted in a few children experimenting and creating butterfly pictures. At snack some children discussed how we could recycle the yogurt pots and what we could do with our fruit peelings! At the beach today the majority of the children continued with the recycling theme by being responsible citizens and using the litter pickers to source, and pick up litter to keep our beaches safe for the wildlife. “It’s not safe for the fish” “The birds might eat it and get sick”.


Today some of our children built a campfire and an office using various shaped/sized bricks. Whilst engaging in role/imaginative play the children developed their knowledge of the world of work and also the materials needed to make a campfire. There was lots of creativity, experimenting and problem solving with the magna blocks building lots of 2D and 3D models. Today we also had a time tabled stay and play session during which parents were invited to spend time with their child in nursery to see the types of activities/play their child is engages in during their time at nursery. It also gives parents the opportunity to have quality interactions with their child, take part and enjoy the importance of play.


This morning, some of us have been creating different colours using our hands to become leaves. 🍂 Which lead to discussing what changes we’ve noticed in our environment. A couple of us have developed our creativity skills selecting different materials to create hedgehogs. 🦔  In the music area there was a discussion of our favourite songs 🕷️If you’re happy and you know it was introduced in signalong  🎶 “I’m writing a song and you read it”. Using jugs pouring at different heights one has been exploring the fall of the water, using sensory to explore through splashes.  💦

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