Week Beginning 6th January 2025


We welcomed back everyone to nursery this week, the children were straight back to exploring and investigating.  The block area has been very busy with some spectacular structures being created. They used the blocks to develop their role play and encouraged others to join their play.  We have started to learn our Scottish poem and have been talking about Rabbie Burns.


Some of the children have chosen to help decorate our beautiful light house that is in our front hall for you to admire.  Over several trips to the beach the children collected sea glass and shells, Mrs Wright drew the light house with the children decorating the light house.


The children have been interested in role playing shops and cafes. They have created lots of different shops for their play.  As this has been popular with most of the children we have started a new learning wall. This will provide lots of learning opportunities and we are excited to see this interest develops.


The children have been excited with the colder weather this week where we have been exploring the properties of water changing to ice over night. We have explored how it feels and looks, as well as investigating with magnifying glasses and tools.


We started the day off with wake up shake up as most of the children came in very cold but full of energy. The weather is still very cold and some of the children were looking forward to investigating some of the experiments they had set out in the garden the previous day.  In the nursery  some beautiful art work has been created using a variety of media. Our learning wall is beginning to develop with lots of role playing of cafes in the sand tray and block area. Lots of exploring with letters and using the smart board to develop their writing skills.

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