Most of us have enjoyed role playing games in the garden this morning. Inside some of us have been making birthday cakes at the playdough table selecting different materials for decorating and singing Happy Birthday.
Some of us have been at the art table designing and creating dolls and outfits for them using junk modelling. Whilst creating we were then able to name parts of the body.
Following on from an interest last week, most of us made bird feeders. Developing our fine motor skills with threading, spreading and using the hole punch. We have been discussing how we can stick the seeds on and what we might be able to use, considering the safety for the birds. 🐦 Taking ownerships selecting sticks from the garden and colour of thread. “The birds will love my pink one” “gold is my favourite colour”, “sonic feeder”. Sharing space with our peers and taking turns waiting patiently for equipment.
In the home corner today some have been role playing families. Showing how to care for babies, to gently rock to sleep and care for them by dressing them. We all had a discussion on our nursery charter talking about our responsibilities. One child shared their interest in bridges. This was then researched looking at old photographs and newspaper clippings online discussing the railway bridge disaster. The child then created their own bridge problem solving the construction “It’s not safe, it’s too wobbly.” Identifying different lengths “It’s too small.”
Today majority of the children have been role playing super hero’s creatively using different forms of technology to communicate one another e.g. role playing talking to their wrists. Using their bodies and facial expressions to create a dramatic emphasis on their character . At the playdough table, one child was able to make playdough independently. The playdough was then shared and used our creative skills using autumnal natural resources.