Week Beginning 23rd September 2024

Monday 23rd September

This week is maths week Scotland where we have been exploring all topics relating to maths, developing an understanding through counting, shapes and time. Today some of the children were exploring shapes at the art area creating different pieces of art work. The block was a popular choice  with den building, lots of great team work and negotiating.

Tuesday 24th

Through technology some of the children have been learning all about symmetry and what it means, the interest continued into the art area where they made some symmetrical paintings. The mud kitchen has been busy with children counting out there ingredients that were added to their dishes.


Whilst walking to the beach the moon was spotted. This prompted a discussion on the shape new language of “semi circle” At the beach
Some children were role play of fishing at the beach this lead to a discussion of depth and distance of where it would be best to fish. The children came to the conclusion with sharing their knowledge that far away in the boat would be the deepest and that’s where the fish would be. Some swans swam past us today with their signets.One child discussed being at the top of a “tower” relating to the height of the rock using mathematical language to describe with adult support modelling new language of height.


Today in gym we explored a variety of different number, counting and shaped related activities in keeping with our Maths Week Scotland activities. There was lots of role/imaginative play in our nursery garden today relating to driving and driving licences “ You need a driving licence to drive a car” “We’re driving to McDonalds, do you want to come Mrs W?” “You need to press that and turn this to drive!”  Developing vocabulary/language skills as well as representing and sharing our ideas with others.


Today our Maths Week Scotland activities continued at Book Bug with a variety of number, counting themed songs, stories and rhymes. We explored ‘wrapping’ up different objects at the glueing table using a variety of different materials to both wrap and stick/fix the wrappings- developing our fine motor skills whilst exploring different textures, resources and materials. Outdoors we looked at different shapes within the environment and during our play . We even seen an aeroplane making a circle in the sky.

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