Week Beginning 16th September


The children have been busy in the garden & enjoying the sunshine. They have been very physical with lots of running/hopping/ Skipping. Some children have been busy creating healthy soup in our mud kitchen



The art area has been a popular choice this morning with some very creative designs being created they used a variety of different materials for their design.  Our nursery snack has been developing independence and offers a good selection of healthy foods.


Today we all went for our shore walk for some of the children this was their first time with the nursery. They explored on the rocks allowing the opportunity to risk assess and work out how to keep themselves safe. We found crabs and some beautiful coloured sea glass.


Today we went to the gym where we played with the parachute. We played different games which required listening and following instructions as well as turn taking. We then went to the library for a book bug session, lots of songs involving numeracy and we listened to two stories.


The block area has been busy with some of the children building houses with our large blocks. There was lots of discussion about electricity and how to light the house. In the garden some children joined in playing what’s the time Mr Wolf  developing listening skills and numeracy.